The bride throws the bouquet: her friend manages to catch it and the fiance runs away at full speed

There are traditions and customs recognized and carried on in many parts of the world, and to which people pay a lot of attention, so much so that they come to believe that they can really affect their fate. Think for example of throwing the bouquet during the wedding ceremony. It is one of the most anticipated wedding customs, which has always provoked fun and amusement, in discovering who will be the next bride among the guests who are not yet married.
So when the fateful moment also came at Chelsea and Matt's wedding, their couple of engaged friends, Daniel and Rachel will remember the event for the rest of their lives. And with them thousands upon thousands of viewers around the web. The reason? It is as hilarious as it is surprising.
Chelsea, the newlywed bride, was eager to involve her closest friends, invited to her wedding, in the throw that could determine the fate of the unmarried. in that suspenseful situation, she waited a few seconds and then threw the flowers behind her, and the bouquet flew right to Rachel.

Not far away, however, observing the scene, there was also her boyfriend Daniel, who certainly did not intend to march down the aisle. His relationship with the girl, at that moment, was fine and well, and for a while longer she would happily remain his partner ... The bouquet, however, spoke clearly, and when it came to Rachel it there was not much to done: his fate was sealed.

And so Daniel, probably seeing himself "trapped", saw fit to give an entertaining display to all the guests, and not only them. When his girlfriend grabbed the flowers, in fact, he ran like hell! That's right, in the garden where the reception was taking place, Daniel, rather than a guest, looked like a hare, as he darted away at full speed causing everyone present burst out laughing.
And with them also the many people who, via the internet, commented and shared the video. Who knows what his girlfriend Rachel thought: perhaps the time has come for these two guys to have a little talk about their future together...