She abandoned her newborn daughter, leaving a heartbreaking message: "I don't want her to live the hell I'm living in"

One of the things that we should all learn to put into practice more often is to abandon our prejudices and try not to judge the actions of other people, especially when we do not know the reasons for their choices. As did Father Omar, a priest who lives in Villa Maria del Triunfo in Peru, who welcomed with open arms a baby girl who had been abandoned in swaddling clothes with only a blanket, a bottle, milk and a moving message.
via Asociaciòn de las Bienaventuranzas
The newborn was abandoned at the door of the non-profit Christian association managed by Father Omar himself, the "Asociaziale de las Bienaventuranzas" with only a blanket, a bottle full of milk and a message from the mother, most likely, which read, "I don't want her to live the hell I'm living in."
A few words to Father Omar asking him to welcome that little girl without prejudice, to pray for the child and for the mother, certain that her choice to abandon her daughter into the hands of the non-profit association was the right one.
Nobody ever knew what had happened to the mother of that newborn, but Father Omar didn't care: he knew perfectly well that in life all too often unspeakable family tragedies are endured, so that sometimes it is preferable to abandon our "legacy" to other more capable people, who can raise them and give them the life they have always dreamed of and deserved.
As he has always done for other Peruvian children in difficulty, thanks to his association, Father Omar has now welcomed the newborn girl in his arms, sure that soon a loving family will come forward that can give her the happiness and carefree upbringing she deserves. Like any child in this world.