A grandmother suddenly confesses to her granddaughter: "I never liked men, I prefer women!"

In the society we are living in today, the fight for LGBTQ rights continues undaunted, despite many steps forward which have already been made, especially in Western culture, towards full equal rights for homosexual and bisexual people. Minorities and diversity must be protected at all costs from centuries of ignorance and provincialism that have strongly discouraged many from "coming out" in previous times.
via Tik Tok

This is why the late but very moving confession of a grandmother to her granddaughter has made the rounds of the internet; granddaughter Aimee captured the conversation she had with her grandmother, posting the short video on TikTok, which was then shared by other users on social networks. When asked by her granddaughter if she had never preferred female bodies to male ones, the old lady replied: "Anyway, I like women. I've never liked men that much."
Even though this brave grandmother has had the courage to "come out" at her ripe old age, she still says she is not ready to immerse herself in the very modern and technological world of online dating. And in reply to the amused question from her granddaughter Aimee about what her ideal woman would be like, the brave granny replied: "I would want her to have been born in the late 1960s!"
This elderly lady's brief confession to her granddaughter is a touching act of self-acceptance by a woman who throughout her life, in order to hide a side of her nature that no one would have accepted, decided to pretend to be straight. But not anymore and it's never too late to come out and show yourself for who you really are. Well done granny!