15 photos that testify to the deep affection that can be established between a child and his dog

What would the world be without our four-legged friends; having a dog at home to keep us company is the best solution to any bad mood. Did you know that a small child can develop their cognitive and language skills faster if they have a four-legged friend to interact with every day? These photographs testify to the profound bond that can arise between a child and a loving pet.
It almost seems like there is a deep complicity between the two, doesn't it?

A four-legged friend is forever!

They will always watch over the little ones in the house!

A child and a dog ... what a perfect pair!

There is nothing these extraordinary four-legged angels cannot do for their owners!

The babies ... they understand each other!

A little girl taking her furry friend for a walk!

They are such close friends that they even behave the same way!

Goodnight sweetheart!

What a tender embrace!

We have so much fun together!

And they also do the housework together!

Looks like it's time for a nap!

And who could separate them!

There is no deeper friendship than that between a child and a four-legged friend!

And now, who could separate these two little souls who have met and formed an everlasting bond?