They adopt an African girl believing she is an orphan and only to discover that she has a family

Adopting a child from a challenging background in the world is certainly one of the best and most selfless actions that anyone can take. We know well that there are many children upon whom fate does not smile, and who, since they were very young, have lived in conditions of absolute poverty and constant hardship.
When Jessica and Adam Davis, an American couple from Ohio with 4 children, decided they wanted a fifth, they thought about taking a 6-year-old girl born in Uganda into their family, believing she was an orphan. The story of this little girl, however, revealed something else: husband and wife found themselves in the very unfortunate situation of being caught up in an adoption scam for the illegal profit of some criminals.
via CNN

Unfortunately in life we often learn that there are more than a few people who decide to take advantage of laudable initiatives with negative intent and exploitation. "We were told that her father was dead, that she had been neglected and that her mother left her exposed to abuse. She had never attended school" said Jessica Davis, recounting the incident. A situation that was certainly not easy for the child, and which prompted the two to adopt her.
Namata - this is the little girl's name - met them in Uganda and flew to the United States with her new family. It was easy for the child to settle in, and everything seemed to be going well. Until, when Jessica and Adam's adopted daughter learned English, she herself confessed an unexpected truth, to say the least, to the couple.

The little girl was homesick. She had never been abused by her mother and above all, in Uganda, she went to school every day. A very different situation from the one described to the couple before the adoption, and above all completely differerent from what the two had seen while traveling in Uganda. Evidently, it had been a clever set up. After the necessary investigations and after contacting Namata's biological mother, it became clear that the people who had managed the child's adoption had lied to the couple about her real conditions, and had also lied to her mother.

In fact, the woman believed that her daughter would go to the US to receive a better education and that, after school, she would return home to her, and would not for all the world have given up the possibility of seeing her again. Unfortunately, both she and her adoptive parents had been victims of a shameful scam, implemented systematically in order to earn money on the adoption of children, stolen from their families under the promise of a better future.

Faking victims of maltreatment for deceptive reasons is unfortunately more common than you might think. After learning the truth, the Davises sent Namata back to her mother, letting her live with the family she had been stolen from by unscrupulous people.