A farmer brings together friends and organizations to deliver 3,000 tons of food to the needy

There are people who, with their small actions, really manage to make a difference to others, giving the whole world a little more trust in humanity. We're not exaggerating: that's exactly what comes to mind when reading the story of the American farmer we're about to tell you of.
This is a man who has seen fit to lend a hand to others in difficult times like the one that the whole world is experiencing due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In fact, having enough to eat should be everyone's right, but this is not always the case. So, along with other trusted people, this generous farmer took action.
via CNN

His name is George Ahearn and he lives in Othello, Washington. Here too, as in the rest of the United States and the world, the Coronavirus has sadly made its presence felt. The pandemic, unfortunately, affected food supplies: with the limitations on activities, kilos and kilos of agricultural produce would have been lost.
An unacceptable prospect, considering also how many people, day after day, suffer from hunger. George, aware of all this waste, contacted his other farmer "colleagues" and various associations that help the needy to feed themselves. However, the objective of getting excess food to the less fortunate was not easy to achieve, given the rules and delivery regulations which had to be respected.

So, to get around the problem, George decided that he would create his own non-profit organization with which to ask for help and make sure that the food arrived. So it began, and EastWest Food Rescue, with the help of many other aid organizations, managed to deliver over 3,000 tons of excess food due to the pandemic, to the needy.

An amazing result to say the least: this man, in a relatively short time, has set up a very efficient organization for the collection and distribution of food to those in difficulty. His EastWest Food Rescue, and all the other companies that collaborate with him, have managed to feed a lot of people for whom a daily meal is practically a luxury. "We should be proud of ourselves - said George - and we will carry on."

His organization continues to grow, and the positive results are increasing. More and more people are donating the means and money for this important cause, and we couldn't be happier knowing that there are people in the world who make altruism a real mission in life.