15 fun photos of cats who refuse to give their owners some privacy

by Alison Forde

October 21, 2020

15 fun photos of cats who refuse to give their owners some privacy

How much joy can we derive from the presence of a small animal like the much loved and desired domestic cat? A lot, despite their reputation of being cold and reserved animals, almost hostile towards human beings. Clearly, these are stereotypes, as there are so many affectionate cats who can't wait to snuggle up in their owner's arms. In truth, sometimes this affection becomes almost excessive: even when you would like a little privacy, your cat friend pops up from where you least expect it, ready to demand a lot of attention. Here, perhaps, there are even cases in which there way of behaving becomes really intrusive. When you go to the bathroom or takes a shower, all you want is a little privacy! But if you have cats at home, is it possible? Find out for yourself by taking a look at these photos:

1. "Every morning the same story .."

1. "Every morning the same story .."



2. "Can I come in too?"

2. "Can I come in too?"

Reddit / SplitSec19

3. "But where has my cat ended up?"

3. "But where has my cat ended up?"


4. "Humaaan! I order you to get out of the bathroom, argh!"

4. "Humaaan! I order you to get out of the bathroom, argh!"


5. "I fell asleep on the sofa the other night and when I woke up there was my cat staring at me like that .."

5. "I fell asleep on the sofa the other night and when I woke up there was my cat staring at me like that .."

Reddit / SuperGuitar


6. "My cat loves it when I wash my hair ..."

6. "My cat loves it when I wash my hair ..."


7. Kitten countdown 3, 2, 1 ...

7. Kitten countdown 3, 2, 1 ...



8. "She always wants to help me ... ALWAYS!"

8. "She always wants to help me ... ALWAYS!"

Reddit / laupie1987

9. "Pass me the toilet paper, human!"

9. "Pass me the toilet paper, human!"



10. "Hi human, did you happen to want to take a shower?"

10. "Hi human, did you happen to want to take a shower?"

Reddit / betesmeister

11. "I believe my alien squad are receiving an important message from the mothership ... in my bathroom!"

11. "I believe my alien squad are receiving an important message from the mothership ... in my bathroom!"



12. You can't rest easy even in the shower ...

12. You can't rest easy even in the shower ...


13. When your cats even steal your Netflix account ...

13. When your cats even steal your Netflix account ...

Reddit / kristine330


14. When you try to take some time for a relaxing bath, but you can clearly feel the gaze of someone who has been staring at you for several minutes ...

14. When you try to take some time for a relaxing bath, but you can clearly feel the gaze of someone who has been staring at you for several minutes ...


15. "Today I realized that when you have a rescue kitten at home, you no longer have your own personal space ..."

15. "Today I realized that when you have a rescue kitten at home, you no longer have your own personal space ..."

Reddit/ jchrysostom
