17 people who would do better to change their regular hairdresser
Sooner or later we all have to cross the threshold of the hairdresser, or the barber if you prefer. Unless you are an expert in doing your own, everyone's hair grows, becomes out of control and we can only ask for help from our trusted hairdresser. But be careful not to make requests which are too unusual: you could have everyone's eyes on you. Whether it is wildly colored hair or cut with an original, alternative, counter-current or even questionable style, these people decided that they would get noticed by everyone. However for the next cut, it might be better to change their trusted barber, it could be a change for the better!
When your wife decides to cut your hair ... in her own special way!
For heaven's sake, let's not judge, but ... why?
Never let your parents act as amateur hairdressers. Never!
Floral hair. Ok, we understand the idea!
As long as you like it...
This is genius, we love it.
Who would dare to go around with this hairstyle? He would!
He doesn't seem at all happy with his new alternative cut !
They chose it!
At least all these colors put you in a good mood!
Luckily this woman later changed her regular hairdresser ...
What courage!
Is it just us who are reminded of Harry Potter's Severus Snape?
Mmm, a really stylish haircut!
A pigtail that is hard to miss!
A stand out haircut!
Poor child...