He hadn't cleaned the house for 12 years, so his friends helped him: after 50 hours of cleaning the apartment was spick and span

by Alison Forde

November 04, 2020

He hadn't cleaned the house for 12 years, so his friends helped him: after 50 hours of cleaning the apartment was spick and span

Probably no one really likes cleaning the house, but it is an absolutely necessary activity, whether you live alone or with other people. Even if it is tiring, you have to overcome laziness and work to eliminate the continuous residues of dust, oil and grease from the kitchen stove to make your home a comfortable environment to live in. Living in a clean and welcoming home is also good for an individual's mental health. In Dalton, England, a widowed man with mobility problems had literally let go of his house: for 12 years he didn't bother to clean it, letting the dirt accumulate to extraordinary levels. Some friends, worried about the unsanitary conditions in the man's house, decided to pay a cleaning company to restore the house to its old splendor. After many hours of work, the results have to be seen ...

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This is the condition the house had fallen into, after 12 years without cleaning ...

This is the condition the house had fallen into, after 12 years without cleaning ...

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Employees of the cleaning company My Kind Of Clean worked hard to restore some order in the house

Employees of the cleaning company My Kind Of Clean worked hard to restore some order in the house

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When the cleaning company My Kind Of Clean arrived on the spot, they realized that there was a lot of work to do, considering the unsanitary conditions which they found that apartment. The cleaning process, in total, lasted 50 hours: after all the effort and time, the results were exceptional! 

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The friends of this widower with mobility problems who had completely let himself go after the loss of his partner, had been very concerned about the condition the house was in. Without the necessity for the man to admit that he needed help directly, his friends thought it best to "trick him" and get him to spend a few days away from home. Taking advantage of the man's absence, they then called the cleaning company My Kind Of Clean, explaining the disastrous situation to them.


There are no words to describe the disgusting state of this bathtub ...

There are no words to describe the disgusting state of this bathtub ...

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The bathroom clearly seemed unusable!

The bathroom clearly seemed unusable!

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Virtually nothing worked in the kitchen ...

Virtually nothing worked in the kitchen ...

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The cleaning squad filled countless bags and containers with dirt, and gradually managed to clear the apartment. After 50 hours of hard work, the team was satisfied with what had been achieved.

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There are probably many more people than we realise who, unfortunately, live in these poor conditions and feel ashamed to ask for help. When the man came home he couldn't believe his eyes! He had left his home in a pitiful condition, but now it had regained the splendor of the past.

Here are the photos showing the house after the incredible deep clean:

Here are the photos showing the house after the incredible deep clean:

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Now you can bathe in the tub ...

Now you can bathe in the tub ...

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A much more welcoming place!

A much more welcoming place!

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The bedroom is as good as new!

The bedroom is as good as new!

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