16 photos of creative children who raised more than a smile from their parents

by Alison Forde

December 02, 2020

16 photos of creative children who raised more than a smile from their parents

Children's creativity and imagination is something we should learn to maintain as adults too. It's a real shame to spoil everything with a lack of imagination! Children know how to give their best and are able to get what they want thanks to their ways of thinking outside the box. Often and willingly, they give wonderfully funny moments to their parents, who despite some difficulties are always ready to support them and smile with them. If you want a taste of what it means to live with little ones full of imagination, look at this roundup of images and have a laugh!

1. "This is the perfect hiding place according to my son, when we play Hide and Seek ..."

1. "This is the perfect hiding place according to my son, when we play Hide and Seek ..."

GarbageDumpOfAssholz / Reddit


2. "A polar bear cooling off in front of the freezer ?!"

2. "A polar bear cooling off in front of the freezer ?!"

_hayleymwright / Twitter

3. A future biker for sure!

3. A future biker for sure!

Reddit / pkkballer22

4. He claims to be Spider-Man

4. He claims to be Spider-Man


5. "My daughter said she wanted lasagna for her birthday ... and here she is totally happy!"

5. "My daughter said she wanted lasagna for her birthday ... and here she is totally happy!"

Johnnyoneshot / Reddit


6. See how pleased he is that he put the carrots in the "right" place

6. See how pleased he is that he put the carrots in the "right" place

Reddit / KatharineFaas

7. He carefully tasted them all before realizing they weren't for him

7. He carefully tasted them all before realizing they weren't for him



8. He took his cars to the car wash!

8. He took his cars to the car wash!


9. "My daughter's Tamagotchi passed away today. We honored it as it deserved."

9. "My daughter's Tamagotchi passed away today. We honored it as it deserved."

Reddit / u/d00110111010


10. My son's answer to the question "Bob has 36 candies. He eats 29. What does he have now?": "Diabetes, Bob has diabetes"

10. My son's answer to the question "Bob has 36 candies. He eats 29. What does he have now?": "Diabetes, Bob has diabetes"


11. "I think he was trying to decorate the tree, but I'm not sure ..."

11. "I think he was trying to decorate the tree, but I'm not sure ..."

gulkashpulka / Instagram


12. "The exercise asked them to name the quadrilaterals ... my daughter must have interpreted the instructions literally!"

12. "The exercise asked them to name the quadrilaterals ... my daughter must have interpreted the instructions literally!"


13. "I guess his sister helped him up ..."

13. "I guess his sister helped him up ..."



14. "Here's my son sleeping like a cartoon character"

14. "Here's my son sleeping like a cartoon character"

Reddit / AirmanAJK

15. She says it's a new game ...

15. She says it's a new game ...

Gridim / Pikabu


16. Who knows what that cow has done wrong ...

16. Who knows what that cow has done wrong ...

jackyjohnson76 / Imgur
