A teacher donated her life savings to the school where she worked for 45 years

If everyone had had a school teacher in their life like the protagonist of this incredible story, we would all have become better people. Of course, in the course of our school career we may have had unbearable or mediocre teachers, yet we will always remember with great pleasure that kind and professional teacher who taught us so much and who has truly remained in our hearts. Genevieve Via Cava was just that: a practically perfect teacher!
via The Independent

Genevieve Via Cava worked as a teacher in a New Jersey school and really gave her all to the profession she worked in. According to the school staff, the woman had an austere and simple lifestyle, she never went on vacation, she didn't like shopping, she didn't have a husband, nor had she had children in her life: she lived to teach.
Retired in 1990, Genevieve, however, passed away in 2011. When the school staff opened and read the posthumous letter addressed to them, they couldn't believe what was going to happen soon!

The woman had saved up for all those years to donate a large sum of money to the elementary school where she had worked with a lot of dedication: a whopping 900,000 dollars! Principal Jablonsky stated, "She was very kind, compassionate, loving and won everyone over with her beautiful smile. In her whole life, no one knew she was saving up to help students she was not related to. She left a legacy that will last forever."
Of this sum, $100,000 went to nursing homes, animal shelters and the Salvation Army, among other things. Since Genevieve did not have a family of her own, her savings went to the school and future generations who would be educated there.

For this reason, almost ten years after the death of the extraordinary woman, the New Jersey elementary school has set up scholarships for low-income students who, however, are pursuing a study career with excellent results. The scholarship, of course, is entitled and dedicated to the memory of Genevieve Via Cava.