A millionaire has donated all of his annual salary to support health workers in the fight against Covid

When a lifetime's hard work begins to pay off, it's time to appreciate your efforts and enjoy the returns these investments can bring. On the other hand, when your hard work generates satisfaction and earnings, there's nothing wrong with exploiting all the advantages of wealth and financial comfort, without forgetting to help colleagues and those who are in most need. As British CEO Matthew Molding did this year.
via Mirror UK
This 46-year-old CEO runs a web portal called The Hut, which sells beauty and health products, which went public for the first time in September 2020; this allowed Matthew to realize a huge cash flow into his company: £830 million.
But one of the first things Matt did was divide this huge sum to financially reward his staff: the CEO donated £21 million to his 7,000 employees - no one in the company received less than £200,000!
This was his way to thank his staff for having become a prestigious brand listed on the stock exchange; but Matthew has not only thought about his 7,000 employees, in fact the British CEO has donated his entire annual salary, reported in 2020 to be around £750,000, to charity and has also donated £10 million to hospitals and health personnel in the front line in the fight against Covid-19. Matthew also donated £2 million worth of personal protective equipment (gloves and face masks).
Not bad for a 46-year-old multimillionaire CEO!