16 photos of cute animals that just can't fall asleep without their favorite toy

If you thought that only human beings could get extremely attached to inanimate objects and toys, you are very wrong. Being too materialistic is certainly frowned upon, but no one would ever dream of reproaching cute little dogs or cute kittens for this uncontrolled vice. Even our pets, in fact, seem to be particularly fond of some soft toys that we give them when we choose to adopt them or when they are still puppies. There are those who, even after many years, cannot do without their favorite toy while they take a nap...
1. This adorable kitty can't fall asleep without her stuffed monkey

2. Even this African hedgehog has his beloved toy

3. A penguin friend makes us feel safe and secure...

4. He was just a puppy when he got this stuffed animal ... but today he loves it just the same!

5. Isn't he very sweet hugging his plush sheep?

6. My friend's new puppy...

7. "Hi! Meet my best friend ..."

8. "Are you trying to tell me this is not my baby?"

9. Sleepy time companions

10. Who wouldn't want a lovely soft teddy bear to fall asleep with?!

11. She thinks it's her little brother

12. Cats and mice have never gotten along so well ...

13. It doesn't get more cosy than this

14. He found someone just like him!

15. "This is my toy ... don't even think about taking it!"

16. Resting peacefully ...
