15 pictures of babies born with so much hair that it doesn't look real

When a baby is born, the parents are seized by a strange mix of moods: joy, euphoria, worry, uncertainty, fear, anxiety. For many it is their first experience, for others not, but the concerns are still many and they overlap relentlessly. How should you behave? How to understand the needs of the child? How to make sure he's okay? Once born, the parents of these 15 children will have wondered "but how is it possible that he already has all this hair?". Could it be genetics, luck, premature growth or pure chance? The children in these 15 photos have thick hair that is the envy of many: their parents will need to call on the hairdresser earlier than expected.
1. As soon as they see the baby, all the people in the neighborhood ask this mother about her hair.

2. This puzzle-faced child has decided that today is the right day for a jaunty look.

3. This little girl poses for a photo, and the first thing you notice is her helmet of very black hair.

4. This little girl with sweet chubby cheeks is just a few months old has a head of hair to be envied.

5. Hair so so beautiful and thick that it has to be taken care of: this baby likes to be well groomed, so his mother takes care of it with a comb and gel.

6. Are You really sure it's not a wig? How many inches does this little girl's hair grow every day?

7. This little boy looks very proud of his hairstyle: he wants to be a real gentleman.

8. He is already so big, and not just for his soft, shiny brown hair: like a good little man he decided to read the newspaper.

9. This little man also has a neat hairstyle: you have to make a good impression in mom and dad's bed.

10. With her soft black hair this little girl goes to the park to arouse the envy of all the other babies.

11. Her hair was so long that the parents had to give it a trim: for a young lady they opted for nice bangs.

12. We haven't forgotten about curls! They are a bit disheveled because he took a nap, but they are still enviable.

13. This smiling child called a barber to fix his hair: now he has a nice style which frames his cheeks.

14. Did someone wake up sick this morning or did mom and dad make you angry? This baby's hair speaks volumes.

15. This little boy has instead opted for a middle parting, but he doesn't seem very happy with the style.

Middle partings, tufts, cheeky looks and others which are very neat: parents can have fun styling their children's hair and immortalizing it. If you had a long-haired baby, which look would you choose?