15 photos taken a second before disaster struck

There are some photographs, taken by chance, which are real masterpieces. Whether it's luck or the ability to capture the moment, it doesn't really matter, photos like this can never be recreated, that moment when you're about to fall into the water, the slice of cake that is about to fall, when someone is about to fall off the bike, when a dog is about to bite into very sensitive body parts. These 15 photos taken at just the right time and the right place show the exact moment before disaster strikes. Maybe they'll make you laugh, maybe they'll make you feel a little anxious but, almost certainly, they'll make you feel infinitely lucky. And, after having considered each one carefully, remember to tell us which photo you liked best.
1. This woman was posing for a photo with her dessert but the result was not quite what she expected.

2. Did his friends push him or did he lose his balance on his own? While the friends laugh, he is about to hit the water: disaster is imminent.

3. He wanted a stylish photo by the sea, and his jump is impressive. Except that the dog looks like he's about to deliver a very painful bite.

4. He wanted to take a picture of the muffin, maybe a little thought for Valentine's Day, but things went slightly awry. The dog must have been delighted.

5. It was supposed to be a nice souvenir photo of the party, but that glass is a disaster just about to happen.

6. He wanted to play a joke on her, the photographer knew but she didn't: she'll know soon enough!

7. The boy's face testifies to how scary it gets when the front wheel decides to take a spin on its own.

8. This bike got stuck in the wrong place: the woman's flying is anything but elegant.

9. The kid's falling, and the photographer captured seized the moment in which the grandmother has saw it and ran to remedy the disaster.

10. The guy in the foreground was having his photo taken, but the real masterpiece is in the background: that woman is looking very precarious.

11. She's making a desperate attempt to avoid disaster, but deep down she knows that disaster is imminent. Thanks kitty, did you really have to get up there?

12. A sheet of ice on the ground certainly didn't put this kid off his walk and the photographer, after taking the shot, will have run to his rescue.

13. It is not a good idea to walk so near to puddles on the street when cars pass: not quite the soaking these girls had in mind.

14. A party, or a concert, hands up and happy: the girl has not yet seen the full cup flying in her direction.

15. She's just listening to something, but someone's pointed a light in the wrong place: the dog can't wait to jump on her.

How many of us can proudly claim to have taken a photo right before disaster strikes? The stars of these 15 photos, looking at them in retrospect, can laugh about it. Which was your favorite photo?