15 photos to show that kindness still exists and kind people are capable of making moving gestures

by Alison Forde

January 05, 2021

15 photos to show that kindness still exists and kind people are capable of making moving gestures

Acts of kindness have great power, very often underestimated: they can improve the day of those who perform them and those who receive them. Plus it takes very little to be kind. It is enough, for a moment, to stop focusing on your problems and look around to see that there is someone who might need us, our generosity, our altruism, our attention. These 15 photos show you that kindness still exists and people are capable of making incredible moving gestures: offering a coffee, sheltering a person from the rain, offering food to a homeless person are simple but thoughtful acts.

1. He noticed just in time that the bat was heading for the boy's face: kindness and prompt action.

1. He noticed just in time that the bat was heading for the boy's face: kindness and prompt action.



2. Kindness also means warning shoppers that not all products are good. This person writes "they are terrible, trust me".

2. Kindness also means warning shoppers that not all products are good. This person writes "they are terrible, trust me".


3. This man is willing to jeopardize his safety on a scooter in order to bring two surprises home.

3. This man is willing to jeopardize his safety on a scooter in order to bring two surprises home.


4. This 80-year-old man has built a train for dogs: he takes them for rides to discover new places.

4. This 80-year-old man has built a train for dogs: he takes them for rides to discover new places.


5. Everyone has lived through this moment: going to the bathroom and realizing too late that paper is missing. The important thing is to have someone ready to come to the rescue.

5. Everyone has lived through this moment: going to the bathroom and realizing too late that paper is missing. The important thing is to have someone ready to come to the rescue.



6. The person behind is under cover, but the person pedalling the bike is not: sometimes it's enough just to hold the umbrella.

6. The person behind is under cover, but the person pedalling the bike is not: sometimes it's enough just to hold the umbrella.


7. This man warns passers-by that there is a police car in that direction. How many fines have been avoided?

7. This man warns passers-by that there is a police car in that direction. How many fines have been avoided?



8. The owners of this house invite passersby to jump on the pile of dry leaves: an act of kindness that invites others to have fun.

8. The owners of this house invite passersby to jump on the pile of dry leaves: an act of kindness that invites others to have fun.


9. Being kind means offering help to the less fortunate, such as providing jackets to shelter people from the cold.

9. Being kind means offering help to the less fortunate, such as providing jackets to shelter people from the cold.



10. A neighbor cleared the paths of snow before people left the house to go to work.

10. A neighbor cleared the paths of snow before people left the house to go to work.


11. Kindness also means coming to the rescue of those in need of help: someone left food and drink for this homeless man.

11. Kindness also means coming to the rescue of those in need of help: someone left food and drink for this homeless man.



12. A musician didn't want to interrupt his music due to rain and a woman came to his aid.

12. A musician didn't want to interrupt his music due to rain and a woman came to his aid.


13. An unknown woman has hidden a gift inside this book, thus giving a nice surprise to whoever opened the book.

13. An unknown woman has hidden a gift inside this book, thus giving a nice surprise to whoever opened the book.



14. He was working quietly when a man approached and offered him a coffee saying "I wanted to do an act of kindness".

14. He was working quietly when a man approached and offered him a coffee saying "I wanted to do an act of kindness".


15. Offering fresh water to those who don't have it is a simple gesture that hides a great nobility of soul. No dramatic gestures are necessary.

15. Offering fresh water to those who don't have it is a simple gesture that hides a great nobility of soul. No dramatic gestures are necessary.


Have you ever looked around and noticed that someone might need a little gesture of help from you? How do you demonstrate kindness in everyday life?
