15 make-ups so over the top that they make us appreciate the beauty of a untouched face

by Alison Forde

February 18, 2021

15 make-ups so over the top that they make us appreciate the beauty of a untouched face

Makeup is used to improve one's appearance, enhance the strong points of one's face and improve - where possible - what we believe to be our weak points: we try to make our eyebrows thicker and more defined, to make our lips appear fuller or try to enhance our eyes with pencil, eye shadow and eyeliner. Make-up is an art, which not everyone masters perfectly, and in many cases - hoping to look better - some people go too far and achieve a counterproductive effect. Instead of enhancing the face and its features, there is the risk of creating an unnatural and almost disastrous "mask effect". We have selected 15 images and we are sure that, after seeing them, you will appreciate even more the beauty of a clean face, or a face with light and natural make-up.

1. Maybe a little too much foundation, eyebrows that have a life of theri own and heavy color on the eyelids ..

1. Maybe a little too much foundation, eyebrows that have a life of theri own and heavy color on the eyelids ..



2. Is it normal to have such a big difference between the color of the face and that of the hands and neck?

2. Is it normal to have such a big difference between the color of the face and that of the hands and neck?


3. Who recommended this shade of foundation? Isn't it too different in color from her skin tone or is it just overdone?

3. Who recommended this shade of foundation? Isn't it too different in color from her skin tone or is it just overdone?


4. We were stunned by the cheeks, but not positively. Why all this bronzer?

4. We were stunned by the cheeks, but not positively. Why all this bronzer?


5. In general, the makeup is nice, but we just don't understand the reason for the pencil outline on the lips.

5. In general, the makeup is nice, but we just don't understand the reason for the pencil outline on the lips.



6. Who's going to clean the foundation stained shirt collar? At least you don't notice the color change on the neck.

6. Who's going to clean the foundation stained shirt collar? At least you don't notice the color change on the neck.


7. The girl says "this is the power of make-up", but maybe she didn't quite know how to use it.

7. The girl says "this is the power of make-up", but maybe she didn't quite know how to use it.



8. Very dark foundation, heavy eyeshadow and overly pronounced lip outline.

8. Very dark foundation, heavy eyeshadow and overly pronounced lip outline.


9. We could wonder indefinitely why those eyebrows and those eyelashes, but we would never find an answer.

9. We could wonder indefinitely why those eyebrows and those eyelashes, but we would never find an answer.



10. Contouring is an art that must be practiced, and in this case it doesn't seem to be very successful.

10. Contouring is an art that must be practiced, and in this case it doesn't seem to be very successful.


11. Why is this make up so heavy? Without make-up she looked great, a light make-up would have been enough.

11. Why is this make up so heavy? Without make-up she looked great, a light make-up would have been enough.



12. Someone has not yet mastered the nuanced techniques: what happens at the outer corner of the eye?

12. Someone has not yet mastered the nuanced techniques: what happens at the outer corner of the eye?


13. We're wondering if it's everyday make-up or make-up for shooting a horror movie.

13. We're wondering if it's everyday make-up or make-up for shooting a horror movie.



14. We're sure that without those false lashes it would have been much better.

14. We're sure that without those false lashes it would have been much better.


15. Did you notice the difference in color bwteen face and neck? And then why lighten your eyebrows with makeup?

15. Did you notice the difference in color bwteen face and neck? And then why lighten your eyebrows with makeup?


We often forget that make-up is very subjective: we let ourselves be inspired by the works of make-up artists and by the faces of some celebrities who have a totally different physiognomy than ours. It's not true, however, that what's good for others also enhances our own faces. We have to learn through trial and error: does our complexion need a highlighter or a lot of corrector? Or maybe it would be better to use a veil of foundation and a light touch on the lips?
