Two orphans try to sell candy to a passerby: she buys them lunch and takes them to the mall

by Alison Forde

February 22, 2021

Two orphans try to sell candy to a passerby: she buys them lunch and takes them to the mall

We often have the wrong idea about film and television stars: they are undoubtedly people who have made their art and their talent a matter of personal pride, thanks to their talents or good looks they have been lucky in the world of work and now they can afford things that us "mere mortals" cannot. But it's not true that all actors are all snobs and insensitive to less fortunate people; just consider this generous gesture by the Brazilian actress Giulia Gem.

via Extra Globo

Extra Globo

Extra Globo

The actress was seen leaving the gym where she often trains and was approached by two children, both brothers and orphans, who, to make a living, sell sweets to passers-by; Giulia, however, certainly did not allow herself to be intimidated, nor did she seem aloof towards them, indeed; what she then did for these two poor orphans really surprised everyone who recognized her.

The actress not only agreed to buy candy from the two brothers, but she also offered to buy them something to eat, and so she took them both to the nearby mall.

Extra Globo

Extra Globo

After paying from her own pocket for lunch and a snack for the parentless little street vendors, Giulia fulfilled another of their dreams: to have a plastic ball so as to play with the other children. Giulia was very moved, and she knew very well what she had to do. She then went to a sports shop and bought the 14 and 11-year-old brothers a ball to play with and trainers to wear!

Extra Globo

Extra Globo

Giulia Gem then said: "I was very touched by their polite approach. When I learned from them that they had neither father nor mother, I believed them. I don't like it when parents use children to beg. For some reason, they caught my attention. I didn't think much about it. They talked about their mother whohas passed on and they even said they would go to church afterwards! "

The generous woman didn't think twice about making a truly sympathetic gesture, full of generosity and altruism; besides this, it was the first time ever that the two kids had ever walked into a shopping mall: "We took the elevator, and they loved the panoramic view. The two boys were really beaming! Then I asked them if they wanted ice cream, but they replied that they were full. "

Extra Globo

Extra Globo

As we said before, let's not judge anyone by their appearance and social status; being very wealthy or being a VIP does not automatically mean being indifferent to the suffering and needs of others. Well done Giulia, who with a simple gesture of care and altruism, made the day of these two orphans practically unforgettable!
