A widowed dad carries his son on his shoulders every day: he takes him to work so as to never leave him alone

by Alison Forde

February 19, 2021

A widowed dad carries his son on his shoulders every day: he takes him to work so as to never leave him alone

Having a child in the family involves a considerable upheaval of daily life, something that mothers and fathers all over the world know perfectly well. Raising a child is not easy, especially if the parent who takes care of them, has suddenly lost their partner and doesn't know how to take care of their child alone and guarantee them a dignified life without missing out on anything essential. Today we want to tell you the moving story of a widowed father which went viral in a short time.

via Notisul



The story we are about to tell you happened in Vietnam and, despite the emotional images that have been taken by anonymous photographers, the name of this courageous and tenacious father is not known; the man is a bricklayer by trade, but since he suddenly lost his wife in a car accident some time before, he didn't know who to leave his newly born son with.

He had no relatives to leave him with, nor could he afford to hire a caregiver who could keep the baby calm and quiet at home while his father was out all day doing his work.



A job that this man cannot afford to lose, given that he is a low-income dad and has no alternative to be able to bring bread home and provide for the new arrival in the family. Then the man made an apparently unpopular decision: every morning he leaves the house to go to work and literally carries his little son on his shoulders, to always keep him with him and in sight even when he is away from home all day. 



Sure, the decision to take a new born baby with you to work isn't an easy choice, but it's quite understandable given the emergency situation this brave father found himself in. Many readers on the internet have applauded the actions of this widowed father, while others have stressed how it is rather dangerous to take a baby "to work" simply from a point of view of safety.

We don't know if in the meantime the little one has been found another accommodation or if the father has managed to pay a nanny to looks after him every day, but we're sure that the efforts that this man makes every morning to go to work are truly commendable!
