A student gets top marks and asks the teacher to give his bonus points to whoever needs them

School should be a safe and inviting place for all children, but in reality it can become a real nightmare for some. There are those who are not happy with their studies, others with don't like their teachers and others don't get along with their classmates - but what is certain is that you have to go there until you are old enough to leave! Fortunately, however, there are not only bullies and bad examples in schools, but also - and above all - good pupils willing to help others. The young teacher Lee Winston however said he was very surprised and moved by the generous gesture of one of his pupils. One of his best students had managed to get top marks during a history test, even getting bonus points. Instead of putting on airs and taking advantage of it, the boy asked the teacher, on the assignment sheet, to give those points to those who had scored lower in the assignment.
How many others would have done this?

The teacher, Winston, was exploring the Second World War with his students and, during the final test of knowledge, one of his students got the highest marks, including the five bonus points reserved for the best. The student was very good and achieved an excellent grade all due to his hard work. Imagine, now, that the same student has decided to give up a part of that success, to help some of his companions in difficulty: how many would do it? Very few, perhaps none. The results come with hard work and there is no doubt that this kid studied more than anyone else. Winston was amazed by this generous gesture and shared the motivating story in a Facebook post. It didn't take long before it went viral.

"If you can, could you give my bonus points to someone who has achieved a low score?" - this was the young man's request at the bottom of the page, after submitting the assignment. The thing that amazed the teacher was that he had not only considered helping his friends, but anyone who had fallen short of a good grade. The only really important thing that matters to him was the boy's gesture of solidarity and kindness. Perhaps, concludes the teacher, we should all be a bit like this student - don't you think?