Her boyfriend won't introduce her to his parents because "she is too fat": she loses 90 kg in revenge and leaves him

by Alison Forde

February 25, 2021

Her boyfriend won't introduce her to his parents because "she is too fat": she loses 90 kg in revenge and leaves him

The first rule of living well is to be at peace with oneself, accepting the strengths and weaknesses that naturally come to us. Of course, if something about our appearance or our character disturbs and torments us to the point of making us feel uncomfortable with others, then, we should take concrete action to restore our equilibrium. It is very important to take care of yourself, otherwise your self-esteem and mental health will deteriorate over time. Samantha Rawley has always been heavily overweight and in one of her most recent relationships she even faced the humiliation of not being introduced to his parents because she was considered "too fat". In response, Samantha not only left this unpleasant and superficial partner, but she also regained her life by losing a ton of weight. While "revenge" is definitely a good motive in this case, she Samantha claims she did it primarily for herself. And we believe her.

via Instagram / Samantha Rawley



When your weight constantly fluctuates between 350 and 360 lb, it means that you have probably given a lot of thought to how you can lose all those excess pounds. Samantha, like so many others, had tried many regimes to lose weight, but no option was really effective or motivating enough to keep her on the difficult path to wellness. Samantha is a single mother who in that latest relationship felt herself deeply humiliated by her partner, precisely because of issues relating to her weight. Apparently, her ex-boyfriend considered her too fat to introduce her to her parents, so he preferred to keep their relationship a secret.



At that point, Samantha understood that she should get back in touch with herself and her body; understand who she really was and try to feel good about herself first and foremost. After several attempts and some second thoughts, the young woman decided to resort to bariatric surgery, to help her eliminate the excess weight. It was a $20,000 surgery, which helped her to lose approximately 200 lb.



The results were astounding and gave Samantha the right push to start living again by taking care of herself. Don't think that the surgery immediately solved all of her weight problems: it was a long and tiring path, which in the end brought the desired results! The woman then spent a lot of money on plastic surgery after the bariatric surgery, to remove loose skin on her arms, legs and thighs. 



Samantha says it was a painful process, but it was worth it as she now has "her dream body". In any case, considering that she was very overweight, it was important to intervene in some way to avoid future health problems.



"I've been 'on a diet' since I was 12," said Samantha, "I've tried pretty much everything from diet pills to more extreme diets. I would lose some weight, but then regain it soon after." For this reason, the woman, a 30-year-old single mother, decided that at her age it was time to have surgery. Luckily for her, all her family members were happy to support her on this journey. 



Always smiling, but certainly much happier today than yesterday!

Always smiling, but certainly much happier today than yesterday!




Perhaps, the failed relationship was a spark for Samantha, but surely the real change can only happen if it comes from within and if we are convinced of it. Samantha now has her own Instagram page and loves to inspire other people to make the best change possible for themselves.
