"Your son has to leave": manager orders an armless child and his family out of a restaurant

Children with "special needs" are just like other people, however some people are full of prejudices and preconceived ideas. Although they may have been born with a genetic or developmental difference, this doesn't mean that they shouldn't be treated with the same human dignity, the same fundamental rights, basic rights that all too often are trampled on by ignorant and heartless people. Meet William Bancroft, an armless child who has learned to be independent over time using his feet!
via Daily Mail UK

William was born with a severe malformation which meant that his arms did not develop, and for this reason, despite the enormous difficulties in his early years, the child learned with the support of his loving parents, to use his feet instead of hands to hold things, for cutlery, eating and drinking. The Bancroft family has never had any problems with anyone when they took their little son to eat out, everyone has always understood William's genetic and physiological difficulties with acceptance and common sense, which is why the attitude of the manager of a fast food restaurant towards the boy's disability was like a stab in the heart for the family.

When the Bancrofts went out to eat some delicious pancakes at the International House of Pancakes in Springs, they never expected to be nearly kicked out to the club. William, of course, was helping himself using his feet, but the manager approached their table and ordered them to leave the place for "health and hygiene reasons". Alexis, William's mom, knew perfectly well that he was referring to her son's disability and the way in which he ate independently. For this reason, after a heated discussion with the manager where she explained that she always washed the child's feet before each meal, she and her family decided to leave the venue.
But the most unexpected thing was yet to come ...

In a gesture of great solidarity with the Bancroft family and the special child, some of the other fast food diners also got up and left the place in protest; a result that not even Alexis could have imagined achieving!
The indignant mother said that this was the first time that a public place had discriminated against her child's disability in such an offensive and shameful way; after an official apology from the fast food restaurant, a little more awareness of these particular needs has finally arrived. We hope that this family and all the others in the world who are struggling with children with special needs will no longer be subjected to such attitudes!