A mother of 4 helps her gay brother and his partner to become dads by carrying their future child

by Alison Forde

March 19, 2021

A mother of 4 helps her gay brother and his partner to become dads by carrying their future child

For all those couples who cannot have a biological child, they may never give up hope. There are many solutions, such as adoption, but not many consider the fact that the practice of surrogacy is becoming more and more popular. This procedure consists in asking a woman who can literally carry a child in her womb for a couple who cannot conceive naturally, and then to surrender the child to that couple legally, without any complications and with the consent of both parties. A solution that is giving hope to many of these couples who want to be parents.

via Daily Mail UK

The story we want to tell you today features Anthony Deegan and Ray Williams, a gay couple who live in Manchester, United Kingdom and who for more than a year have tried to have a child of their own by turning to associations and volunteers to find a future surrogate mother. In fact, it's not easy to find the perfect mother who can carry in her womb the future child for a couple who can't have any children: you must first create an emotional bond between the two sides, and then proceed.

In the end, the perfect surrogate mother was also the one closest to Anthony's affections: her sister Tracey, a mother who at 42 already has 4 children!


Reluctant at first, Anthony and Ray eventually gave in to Tracey's proposal and it was agreed to everyone's delight; Tracey would carry the couple's future child in her womb: "I felt honored when they said yes, because it means that my brother trusts me enough to be able to nurture his future firstborn in my womb."

Next, Anthony and Ray used two anonymous egg donors and both used their sperm to conceive the child they longed for, Theo. In spite of everything, they both decided they didn't want to know which egg was used because they both considered themselves fully-fledged fathers to their son Theo.

Tracey's brother excitedly comments: "We can't put a price on what Tracy has done for us. We are so proud of her for intervening in this situation and helping us realize our dream of starting a family!"

And in the fateful moment of childbirth, both dads were outside the ward, waiting to hear the touching first cry of their little Theo; both pregnancy and childbirth went well, and in the end the baby immediately bonded with his two dads, Anthony and Ray - what could be better after years of hard struggle to find the perfect surrogate mom?

Pixabay/Not The Actual Photo

Pixabay/Not The Actual Photo

A story with a happy ending like can teach us an extraordinary life lesson: you must never give up and fight to realize your desire to create a family, and that very often, the solution to our difficulties lies in the person who has been close to us for so long in our life: our brother or sister!
