"My pregnant wife refuses to help me with housework": exhausted husband kicks up a fuss

The nine months of a woman's pregnancy are undoubtedly the most complex and delicate period for a pregnant couple; not only does the mother who carries her future child in her womb face many obstacles and difficulties, but also the husband is not far behind, even if in a less conspicuous way. While it is true that during gestation the woman has to take care of herself and not overdo physical effort too much, there is a limit to everything: today we are going to tell you a story that has caused much discussion on the web and that has divided reader's opinions.
via AITA/Reddit

The anonymous man posted his outburst on Reddit seeking advice and opinions on the unpleasant situation he has been living with for weeks now. His wife is 24 weeks pregnant and she has decided not to deal with the housework anymore, leaving everything to her husband. The man said: "I tried my best to be a good husband. I work full time, I started doing all the housework (cooking / cleaning / pet care) and of course I do my best to meet her needs. She has relaxed and spends most of the day relaxing. She says 'she has never felt better."
The reason why the woman does not want to participate, even minimally, in the housework? Fear that it could harm the health of the baby in her womb: "She says that making the slightest effort would stress her and possibly harm the baby, which scared me (I don't want anything to happen to our baby), so naturally , I didn't force it. "

A truly unpleasant and tricky situation which however came to a head one night, when the woman woke up wanting some snacks that her husband would have to go out and buy; the man, however, was really tired, after a long day at work and running the house without the help of his pregnant wife: "I told her that I have taken care of 100% of the household responsibilities in the last six months. She has sat in front of her cell phone every single day and didn't have to lift a finger. Then I told her I was done doing 100% of the chores and we needed a fairer division of chores because I was losing my hair due of the stress. Unfortunately both my wife and mother-in-law have now said that the stress I'm putting on my wife will hurt the baby, so now I feel super guilty!"
What do you think about it? Do you think that the wife is taking advantage of her husband or is it always right to be super cautious while waiting for the arrival of a baby?