The look of love: 14 photos which demonstrate all the love and affection that our four-legged friends know how to give us

by Alison Forde

March 12, 2021

The look of love: 14 photos which demonstrate all the love and affection that our four-legged friends know how to give us

Is there anything greater than the love we receive from a dog or a cat? Surely that of a child, it is clear, but the affection that many owners feel for their four-legged friend can reach very similar levels. In fact, we often hear from people that their dogs are like "their children". Whether you agree with this expression or not, it is undeniable that a very strong mutual bond can be created between human and dog, or cat. How can we know this? Well, sometimes you just need to look your furry friend in the eye! In this photo list we wanted to collect images of all those people who have captured the great mutual affection they have with their dog or cat. Aren't they sweet?

1. Those eyes are demonstrating a look of love!

1. Those eyes are demonstrating a look of love!

Reddit / kikichun


2. What a sweet face...

2. What a sweet face...

Instagram / rottweilersking

..he has when gazing into the face of his favorite human! There is nothing that can deter this puppy from devoting himself completely to his master: he simply adores him!

3. "This is how my dog looks at my father ..."

3. "This is how my dog looks at my father ..."

Reddit / Animellea

Have you ever had to fight with your parents to convince them to let you bring a dog or cat into the house? Who knows how many of you have repeated aloud, or even to yourself, that "I don't want an animal in the house!". And then, in the end, it happened: someone came home with a puppy with the sweetest eyes and, within a few days, your opinion changed radically. Now, you can't do without that little beast that wags its tail or purrs at you!

4. Totally relaxed in his owner's arms...

4. Totally relaxed in his owner's arms...

Reddit / darbydiddle

It seems that this kitten is in the right place, at the right time: from the expression on his little face, it doesn't seem to want to be anywhere else!

5. Cuddle time!

5. Cuddle time!

Instagram / Pets


6. How could we live without one another?!

6. How could we live without one another?!

Reddit / notmelania

7. The look of someone who has realized they have just been adopted and are going to a new home!

7. The look of someone who has realized they have just been adopted and are going to a new home!

Reddit / TheBelowIsFalse

There are countless abandoned dogs in kennels and shelters, who can't wait to be adopted and live in dignity in the warm embrace of a new family. Saving an animal from a shelter is always a noble gesture, because none of them deserve to end their days without ever having known the love and warmth of a family. If you are planning to welcome a dog into your life (and into your home!), we recommend you take a tour of the closest animal shelters to you!


8. "Come on, play with me, please..."

8. "Come on, play with me, please..."

We should always dedicate enough time to our puppy, he too needs to be distracted and have play time during the day!

9. A look that seems to express all the affection and gratitude this dachshund feels for his master.

9. A look that seems to express all the affection and gratitude this dachshund feels for his master.

Twitter / alvssajasmine


10. The beginning of a new adventure: a new home and a new family!

10. The beginning of a new adventure: a new home and a new family!

Reddit / jdizzlepizzlemaniz

With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, many people have had to reshape their plans. The guy in the photo was supposed to get married to his partner, but the wedding was canceled due to the pandemic and has been postponed until better times. The man says he is primarily concerned about the health of his family - in short, not a good time! Despite everything, however, the couple adopted the first new official member of their family: a beautiful puppy!

11. After giving him a home and lots of love, this kitten will thank him forever!

11. After giving him a home and lots of love, this kitten will thank him forever!

Imgur / feistygazelle


12. "This is Harper: he's happy to stay like this for hours staring at me!"

12. "This is Harper: he's happy to stay like this for hours staring at me!"

Reddit / jstevens44

13. A very grateful kitten!

13. A very grateful kitten!

Reddit / Kentfanatic

Who said cats are all independent and aloof? Even our feline friends know how to give love to their owners and they often do it with purring and meowing that, many times, hides a request: cuddle me!


14. A look that's worth a thousand words!

14. A look that's worth a thousand words!

Reddit / gisdaking

And do you have an animal that looks at you with these same loving eyes?
