Nature takes back what is hers: 15 uninhabited places where vegetation has taken over.

by Alison Forde

March 16, 2021

Nature takes back what is hers: 15 uninhabited places where vegetation has taken over.

Human beings are capable of creating things of blinding beauty; in the course of history they have managed to build imposing monuments, charming buildings which transcend the passing of time, cities of mammoth magnitudes that take your breath away. After all, when we leave the house we don't even notice anymore, but the buildings that surround us, whether modern or ancient, are the work of human ingenuity, which, however, had to "fight" against the will of the natural world to create these masterpieces. For this reason, we have chosen for you some of the most fascinating and sinister abandoned places in the world that, in the absence of people, Mother Nature has reclaimed for herself, retaking full possession of them, like a queen.

An abandoned house on an American islet: now only birds and seagulls live there!

An abandoned house on an American islet: now only birds and seagulls live there!


This is the last remaining house on tiny Holland Island, in US Maryland - a place that looks like something out of an Alfred Hitchcock movie, doesn't it?


An abandoned house in Detroit that seems like Mother Nature has gladly taken over

An abandoned house in Detroit that seems like Mother Nature has gladly taken over


When man moves out ... Nature dances!

When man moves out ... Nature dances!


An abandoned escalator in Bangkok ... this looks like a scene from a post-apocalyptic movie!

An abandoned escalator in Bangkok ... this looks like a scene from a post-apocalyptic movie!


This was once a large shopping mall with escalators and storeys and galleries full of shops, and now it looks like the perfect location for a science fiction movie populated by zombies or an evil Mother Nature ready to take back what was once hers! 

A Gothic chapel in France whose only "faithful" are plants, vegetation and wild animals

A Gothic chapel in France whose only "faithful" are plants, vegetation and wild animals



Imagine walking into the woods and finding this ghostly building abandoned among the greenery ....

Imagine walking into the woods and finding this ghostly building abandoned among the greenery ....


This long-abandoned tree house is located in Redmond, Washington; as the creator of the photograph tells us. It was built by Steve Rondel for his children, but he never managed to finish it and they have grown up in the meantime ....

A Chinese village completely reclaimed by Mother Nature's green mantle ...

A Chinese village completely reclaimed by Mother Nature's green mantle ...


It seems like a place out of time, yet it exists and can be visited: this is a picturesque glimpse of the abandoned village of Shengshan, in China. Maybe we have given you an idea for your next trip abroad in search of unusual and unique places in the world!


An abandoned church where green and the colors of wild flowers reign: here we are in Italy

An abandoned church where green and the colors of wild flowers reign: here we are in Italy


A tree that seems to guard the entrance to Putzar Castle in Germany

A tree that seems to guard the entrance to Putzar Castle in Germany



Mushrooms are popping up all over the inside of a spooky abandoned house

Mushrooms are popping up all over the inside of a spooky abandoned house


Please don't use this escalator!

Please don't use this escalator!



Did someone abandon this car in the vegetation, or did the vegetation arrive afterwards to cover the car?

Did someone abandon this car in the vegetation, or did the vegetation arrive afterwards to cover the car?


An abandoned piano in the woods that a gentle tree seems to have ... adopted!

An abandoned piano in the woods that a gentle tree seems to have ... adopted!



A chapel whose faithful seem to adore ... the color green!

A chapel whose faithful seem to adore ... the color green!


Apparently this car has been parked there for some time...

Apparently this car has been parked there for some time...



A detail of the interior of the Titanic before and after the sinking: now, the wreck is home to fish and animals of the deep sea ...

A detail of the interior of the Titanic before and after the sinking: now, the wreck is home to fish and animals of the deep sea ...


Incredible places, aren't they? Do you want to admire others and to travel with your mind and your imagination? So why not take a trip to Reddit, where in the Nature Fights Back and Reclaimed By Nature groups there are hundreds of thousands of photographic images that have managed to immortalize places abandoned by human beings and which have become real wild sanctuaries where, over time, Mother Nature has regained possession of the space which had been stolen, with results that are sometimes frightening, sometimes truly poetic.

Aren't you also fascinated by these unique places in the world?
