"I don't want to wash!" 17 strange whims of small children

by Alison Forde

March 15, 2021

"I don't want to wash!" 17 strange whims of small children

Dear moms and dads around the world, even if it doesn't seem like it, we understand you perfectly. Certainly no one will be here to refute the thesis that having a child is the most beautiful thing you could wish for, but welcoming a little one into the house is a big deal, this is well known. Not only must the little one be cared for, fed, raised, educated, but parents also have to deal with the unreasonable tantrums and whims of their children. Sometimes absurd, exaggerated, unnerving or incomprehensible, the demands the come out with and tears which fall at home can be really difficult to understand. For this reason we have selected some of these difficult moments for you, to let you know you are not alone in these difficulties.

She's crying because she can't hold her fork with those oven mitts on!

She's crying because she can't hold her fork with those oven mitts on!



I didn't want to give him the bottle of beer, how outrageous...

I didn't want to give him the bottle of beer, how outrageous...


The father of this lively child will no doubt be surprised by the little boy's "request": to start drinking alcohol at this tender age? I don't think so!

I just said hello, and now lying on his stomach sobbing!

I just said hello, and now lying on his stomach sobbing!


Apparently, he is complaining that dinner is in the oven and is not ready yet .... crazy stuff!

Apparently, he is complaining that dinner is in the oven and is not ready yet .... crazy stuff!


My dear child, it is useless to stand there in front of the oven waiting for your favorite food to be ready: you just have to ... be patient. Too bad that at that age, patience is a virtue that is completely unknown!

My daughter didn't want to go to the bathroom to take a shower: how naughty!

My daughter didn't want to go to the bathroom to take a shower: how naughty!



He didn't want his brother there for breakfast!

He didn't want his brother there for breakfast!


Brothers in arms or deadly enemies? Not at all, it's just a little healthy competition that arises in the morning, at the table, in front of a steaming cup of milk and cereal. In short, children's things!

The microwave just didn't want to heat up his lunch!

The microwave just didn't want to heat up his lunch!



He's crying because someone had eaten all his muffins! (it was him)

He's crying because someone had eaten all his muffins! (it was him)


 Well, you really can't have your cake and eat it too!

We had just told him there was no more bacon for dinner .... you can't imagine the scene!

We had just told him there was no more bacon for dinner .... you can't imagine the scene!



He didn't really want to get in the car!

He didn't really want to get in the car!


 Too bad for this child, because that flamboyant car looks like the height of luxury!

This little boy didn't want to share the shopping cart with his little sister: how naughty!

This little boy didn't want to share the shopping cart with his little sister: how naughty!



He just found out that the ice cream he chose was ... cold!

He just found out that the ice cream he chose was ... cold!


 Wait a minute: did this child really expect the ice cream he chose to eat to be hot like soup? Crazy stuff!

You would never guess why he's complaining so much ...

You would never guess why he's complaining so much ...


The answer to the question? He is crying because a fly has just passed him when he was about to eat: absurd, isn't it? 


He just wanted to pick up that book ... but he's not succeeding at all!

He just wanted to pick up that book ... but he's not succeeding at all!


Yes, he is crying because the dog has blocked his way!

Yes, he is crying because the dog has blocked his way!



He's crying because we gave him the wrong banana, is that normal?

He's crying because we gave him the wrong banana, is that normal?


He's stuck there! There's no way out!

He's stuck there! There's no way out!


It's a hard life being parent of a small child, right? We bet that your son or daughter has also thrown a tantrum or made strange demands you just don't know how to respond to: are they joking, or are they really distressed about that strange desire? Sometimes itt is useless to try to understand them, our little children can get very worked up, even about the smallest things and it can be difficult for us to deal with and at the same time remain calm in the face of their unreasonable ness or tears. 

But fear not, dear mothers and dear fathers, all this will one day stop, your children will grow up, adolescence will arrive and new, much more complicated problems will come to light: maybe it was better when they cried over the most trivial things, right?

