From rags to riches: 17 photos depicting some VIPs before they became stars loved by the whole world

We saw them appear for the first time on TV, in the cinema, or we still remember the debut of their first song, or the first movie they appeared in. Now time has passed, as it had for everyone, and we are used to admiring and applauding them in their roles as famous people. But what if instead we consider some photographs from the past that show some of the most famous public figures of modern times as they were "in the beginning"? We are sure that you too would have the same reaction that we had: they are practically unrecognizable!
A fun journey through time to rediscover these stars of the entertainment world and beyond, who today have millions of admirers, fans and followers, as they were in times past!
Do you recognize him? He is one of the most famous American comedians ever, loved by young and old alike...

But yes of course you have recognized him, we are talking about Jim Carrey, here portrayed in a black and white photograph before making his debut in the world of entertainment that would bring him fame and celebrity!
But who can this long-haired young man be?

But it's him, he's the Oscar-winning actor Tom Hanks! In which of the many films he has starred in did you prefer him most?
A young sailor with a face that has remained in the hearts of many ...

We are talking about Sean Connery, one of the most famous and unforgettable actors of the last century, the most notable secret agent 007. His name is Bond, James Bond!
A charming Angelina Jole before making her triumphant debut in the world of cinema: what class!

Here he was very young, but he already had the verve that would distinguish him in the cinema ...

We are referring to Morgan Freeman, one of the most beloved film performers of all time: in which role do you remember him most fondly?
In this rare photograph you would never recognize him ...

... And in fact he is one of the most powerful men on the planet, or the 46th President of the United States of America, Joe Biden!
It's impossible not to love him and remember him with affection

An old photograph of a one-of-a-kind artist at the beginning: it's Robin Williams, who would soon become one of the most beloved actors ever!
The smile is still the same, despite the years: it's the charming Keanu Reeves, the protagonist of The Matrix!

A seemingly anonymous and quite ordinary face, you will say. But in fact...

This is a rare photograph of Lady Gaga before she broke into the world of music; to date, she is one of the most influential pop stars ever and one of the most successful American singer-songwriters of the last 20 years.
Famous for being a histrionic and ever evolving actor, a few years ago he also took on the role of Batman ...

Here is a rare youthful photograph of Welsh born actor Christian Bale: you didn't recognize him, did you?
He sure knew how to take a selfie with class ...

Did you recognize him? It is none other than music legend Frank Sinatra in a self-portrait photo taken in 1938, before he became a celebrity!
Do you recognize him? He was one of the most beloved music frontmen ever ...

This photograph was taken in Bombay, where he went to school, back in 1960: he is the very famous Freddie Mercury!
In 2008 he was an unforgettable Joker and one of the most promising young actors of American cinema ...

This jovial boy with a contagious smile is Heath Ledger, who passed away prematurely in 2009 ...
This was taken in 1979 and he is a man who changed Western history forever ...

Before becoming a senator of the American Republic and then a beloved President of the United States, here is a young Barack Obama!
They were kids and they were about to change the world...

These two willing and passionate guys sitting next to each other are Bill Gates and Steve Jobs: wow!
A rare photograph taken in the very distant past in 1895 ...

The subject of this historical photo? The future British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the man who would change the fate of Europe during the Second World War!
One of sports heavyweights of the twentieth century, the unforgettable and formidable Muhammad Ali!

And you, would you ever have recognized them?