An owner agrees to rent an apartment at the minimum price to help a divorced mom out

by Alison Forde

March 17, 2021

An owner agrees to rent an apartment at the minimum price to help a divorced mom out

Canada is experiencing one of the biggest boom times in the real estate sector; between purchases and rents, the North American country seems to be responding to the economic crisis with an unprecedented demans for real estate to guarantee a comfortable and safe future life. For this reason many people working in this sector could easily take advantage of this situation and become greedy pirates of the real estate market, without taking into account the real needs of people who would like to buy a house ...

via CBC News

Damian Devonish/Facebook

Damian Devonish/Facebook

Fortunately, however, there are people like Damian Devonish, a former immigrant from Barbados who moved to Canada eight years earlier and rebuilt his life from there, becoming a therapist and owner of some properties; but at first it wasn't all plain sailing for him, on the contrary: "I didn't really have much money when I arrived in Canada. I was having a hard time finding a job because I needed a car to get around, until I found one for sale and the seller, I remember very well, gave it to me at a reduction of 500 dollars less than the original price, because he wanted to help me."

From this experience, Damian learned that we should always be kind to people less fortunate than us, and that all the good we do will come back to us, one way or another. For this reason Damian could not help but extend a helping hand to a divorced mother with two children, who she was trying to buy an apartment that would allow her to live close to her kids...


Juliana Aguero/Facebook

Juliana Aguero/Facebook

The woman Damian decided to help is called Juliana Aguero, and she had arrived in Canada 11 years earlier from Colombia, had divorced her ex-husband and was desperately looking for an apartment that was close to the home of her two children and her ex-husband. Juliana had spotted a perfect one in the Canadian city of London: it had three bedrooms and one bathroom and it was priced on the real estate market about $330,000, $20,000 less than the prices other landlords were asking in the area. And it happened that the owner of that apartment was Damian himself, who didn't think twice about making Juliana's dream come true.

The woman had offered a whopping $375,000 for the apartment, well above its original cost; but touched by Juliana's story, Damian eventually decided to sell her the apartment at the original price, despite the fact that there had been clients who had offered him an extra $50,000 for the same property. Juliana couldn't believe she had finally gotten the home she was so desperate to buy, and so she thanked the generous man: "I am absolutely sure you will receive many, many blessings in so many ways. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!"

Just as he had once been helped in buying a used car, now Damian wanted to return that gesture of humanity to another person; and he did the right thing!
