"It's too quiet, what are they up to?": 18 children who have tested their parents' patience

by Alison Forde

March 17, 2021

"It's too quiet, what are they up to?": 18 children who have tested their parents' patience

Children are a parent's greatest joy, but also a limitless source of worry. Have you ever perceived that strange silence in the house, despite your 3 or 4 year old son wandering freely somewhere? It is always said, jokingly, that when there is too much quiet it's probably because the children are doing something absolutely forbidden by their parents. It's certainly good to keep an eye on the little ones at all times and make sure to keep them away from any source of possible danger. However, it can happen that you get distracted for a few minutes and discover that your child has just destroyed a vase or torn up every roll of toilet paper in the house. In short, the little disasters that children can cause every day when they are not supervised are all too many and apart from causing us a little frustration, they also make us smile!

1. "Good morning!"

1. "Good morning!"



2. "Now I understand why he kept asking me if I needed to go to the bathroom ..."

2. "Now I understand why he kept asking me if I needed to go to the bathroom ..."


3. He's so happy and satisfied. Now look where he put the carrots ...

3. He's so happy and satisfied. Now look where he put the carrots ...


4. "I turned around for a moment and found them like this ..."

4. "I turned around for a moment and found them like this ..."


5. "My little one did my nails for me..."

5. "My little one did my nails for me..."

Twitter / CatrionaMcNicol

When one of your children asks you to play together, you have to say yes. Whether it's a make-up session or a fashion show, it's your duty to lend yourself to this type of experiment. With the right amount of patience, you will see, it can be fun!


6. "She loves making collages ..."

6. "She loves making collages ..."


7. "He drew on the furniture and on the PlayStation, heck ..."

7. "He drew on the furniture and on the PlayStation, heck ..."



8. "The exact moment he realized he had made a mistake ..."

8. "The exact moment he realized he had made a mistake ..."


9. "How do I look?"

9. "How do I look?"

Children love to dress up and put themselves in other people's shoes, especially their parents. How many times do they ask you to try on your shoes? And how many times do they steal your clothes or make-up, or even your underwear? 


10. "Mom, I'm feeding the dog!"

10. "Mom, I'm feeding the dog!"


11. "Hi mom, we took off all the useless pieces of the keyboard ..."

11. "Hi mom, we took off all the useless pieces of the keyboard ..."


Do you have valuable electronic items in your home and children nearby? Better to put everything away safely if you don't want to risk having to buy a new computer, phone, tablet ...


12. This could be dangerous!

12. This could be dangerous!


It doesn't take much to get distracted and that can be when children get involved in something dangerous. In this case, the Reddit user posted a photo taken by a colleague: "he found this in his son's room". Where did he get those thumbtacks? Laughing aside, he created a miniature weapon ...

13. "She was leaving the supermarket like this ..."

13. "She was leaving the supermarket like this ..."



14. Flour everywhere and no remorse!

14. Flour everywhere and no remorse!


It's always nice to cook cakes or sweets in the company of your children, but always pay close attention: it only takes a few seconds to find flour everywhere!

15. This kid really loves jelly!

15. This kid really loves jelly!



16. "My son has spread out all the wet wipes ... to dry them!"

16. "My son has spread out all the wet wipes ... to dry them!"


17. Don't worry mom, everything is under control!

17. Don't worry mom, everything is under control!


 Always better to keep a check on what the little ones are up to, especially if paint, flour or glue is involved!

18. Be creative they said...

18. Be creative they said...


19. New television required?

19. New television required?

