He loses his motorbike in a fire, rescuing his animals: the neighbors make a collection and buy another one

What wouldn't we do for our animal friends? If we have a pet, or more than one at home, we know very well that we can never be separated from them, they are like real family members. Of course, they have four legs, a tail, they are hairy and don't have the gift of speech, but they know how to give us a lot of affection, perhaps even more than a human being. In short, for our faithful four-legged friends, we would also face the flames of a fire, endangering our lives for theirs. Just like Carlos did.

Carlos lives in Mirassol, a village in Brazil, he doesn't have much money and is struggling to make ends meet; he lives in a rented house that a friend has generously lent him, but he has no electricity, for this reason he often finds himself living in conditions of extreme hardship and extreme poverty. Furthermore, this poor man is a great lover of animals: he has hosted as many as 19 dogs his the house, which he takes care of every day!

One day, a very serious fire broke out inside his house, so Carlos had to make a choice: save the few possessions he had in the house or his beloved dogs; he didn't think twice and decided to face the flames and save all his four legged friends; pity, however, that in the flames he lost his beloved motorcycle, the only means with which Carlos traveled from one village to another.
And now, how was he going to ask for help if he couldn't ride anymore?

Bruno Lima and some other citizens of Mirassol took care of Carlos, his safety and that of his 19 dogs. They took Carlos's situation to heart and decided to do something: as Bruno tells in one of his stories on Instagram, he collected some money with his friends and decided to do something practical to improve the poor man's situation...

They raised a collection and decided not only to use that money collected to donate food to Carlos and his 19 dogs, but they decided that they would buy him back a brand new motorcycle, so the man would be able to move where and as he wanted and needed. Carlos, who can't walk far since he broke some bones in his left leg eight years earlier and now limps a little, really appreciated this sympathetic gesture by his fellow citizens.

With some of the money they have raised for him, this troubled man will now be able to buy a gas cylinder to heat water to wash himself, warm up and, finally, no longer feel cold during the winter nights.
And all this thanks to the kindness of his neighbors: well done guys!