A gay couple wanted to adopt three siblings but return home with all four: now they are a family full of love

For those who have the opportunity or have experienced the very long and exhausting process of adopting children for themselves, know that it is one of the most beautiful things you can do in life. Many couples cannot have biological children for various reasons, often medical but also related to personal choices, and then there are couples like the one formed by Cecilia and Marisela who have tried to have a child biologically, even trying insemination artificial, but never succeeded ...

Cecilia and Marisela met in 2007 when they were 25 and the other 23; it was love at first sight out of the blue, the two immediately fell in love and then, when the law on egalitarian marriage passed in Argentina, they got married, always wanting to have a child of their own: "There have been seven attempts since 2016 until the beginning of 2018, when I said to myself: that's enough. However we always talked about the possibility of adopting, the problem was that for us it was something completely unknown and everyone told us that it was very difficult ... ", said Marisela.

Cecilia then added: "In August 2018 we filled out the form for the Adoptor Registry in the province of Buenos Aires, we did all the procedures and immediately after they called us from the court of Matanza to sign the first papers. There were several interviews and even a social worker, he even visited us at home! "
The bureaucratic procedures were about to lead the two women to finally reaching their goal: to adopt a child of their own, until in January 2019 when the couple had rented an apartment large enough for the arrival of the new member of the house, but nothing could prepare them for what would come a few months later ...

In March 2019 Cecilia and her partner checked the public register for adoption applicants and there were three siblings aged 10, 11 and 14 available for adoption, who lived in an evangelical Christian home 90 kilometers from Posadas, where the couple live; Cecilia and Marisela didn't think twice, they packed their bags and went to meet their future adoptive children.
Arriving at the evangelical house in Misiones, the two women discovered that the three brothers also had an older brother of 17, who however did not want to be adopted: he preferred that his younger brothers should first find the comfort and affection of a family. Cecilia and Marisela spent about 2 weeks in Misiones getting to know their future adopted children better, and in the end, despite the eldest initially not wanting to go home with them, in the end he became so fond of the two women that they all returned to Posadas together!

Alexis, the eldest of the four boys, said: "When the two women arrived, I was not part of the adoption plans, but I wanted to connect with them so that I could then stay in touch with my younger siblings. In the meantime, we have grown fond of each other a lot and I thank God we all decided to go home together. I'm very, very happy. All they ask of me is to do my homework!"

All's well that ends well for this couple who just wanted to form a family of their own and for these four brothers, who were just waiting for someone who would love them, care for them and take them home with them, to start a new life, a happier life because it is full of pure love.
Congratulations, Cecilia and Marisela!