A young boy wants to spend all his savings to find the cell phone where he kept his mom's photos

Thanks to the advent of technology, we can all afford a smartphone, which is much more than a simple mobile phone with which to call our loved ones and send simple text messages. Right now, our smartphones have become the custodians of videos, photos, links, files, personal diaries, a real personal mini computer where we and collect and store everything we care about. Think what would happen then, if you accidentally lost your cell phone!

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The moving story we want to tell you today happened in Argentina and its little protagonist is called Gino Lopez; the child is 10 years old, but for most of his life he was raised by his grandmother, as his mother passed away due to a virulent leukemia; all Gino had left of his mother was the memory of her, the photographs that belonged to her remained jealously guarded in the gallery of her smartphone.
But the smartphone was lost on a bus he and his grandmother got on one morning ... what happened to it, and how could he find it?

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Gino couldn't help but spread the word of the loss of his cell phone by recording, and then publishing, a short video in which he tells all the citizens of Cordoba, Argentina, that his beloved cell phone had been lost, and that for him it was really important to find it, since it held the only images he had of his mother who was in heaven ...
In the video, Gino said: "I don't want to lose this, because when I miss her I watch her videos and listen to her voice, and I don't want to forget her, her voice. I hope good-hearted people find it and return it to me. . I will give away all my savings as a reward to whoever finds it for me! "

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Gino's story really touched everyone deeply, so much so that an Argentine telephone company took an interest in his case and in the meantime decided to give him a new mobile phone, where his aunt uploaded some of the photos of the boy's mother; certainly, it's not the same device to which Gino was particularly attached for emotional reasons, but for now it seems that the photos and videos with the voice of the Argentine boy's mother have not been lost forever ...
In the meantime, the search for the lost cell phone continues, and we really hope that Gino can find it and feel once again lulled by the voice of his mother who is no longer here!