Cats and kids: 17 photos documenting the friendship that can arise between a feline and its little owner

Do you think that your child is always complaining, is never satisfied with anything and not even having their grandmother or the best nanny in the world at home will ever be able to calm him down? Maybe you haven't thought of one of the most ingenious solutions: how about adopting a beautiful cat and providing a faithful and inseparable friend for your child? To convince you that it could be the most suitable choice, we have selected for you 17 very sweet images that perfectly document all the indescribable magic that can be created between a child and a cat: a magic that goes far beyond words that, with the time, we are sure will turn into a wonderful friendship. Don't believe it? Well, all you have to do is ...look at these images and think again!
A little girl who now feels more feline than her ... pet cats!

Like owner, like cat, don't you think?

Cat and owner have truly become best friends!

A photo shot that says much more than a thousand words ...

The creator of the photograph says: "My cat came out and held my newborn daughter by the hand!"
There is nothing more beautiful and tender than a friendship between a cat and a newborn who has just arrived at home!

All together looking out the window waiting for mom!

An image that needs no explanation!

Goodnight, little ones!

A relaxing read alongside your favorite cat: what could be better?

What are these two saying to each other?

We don't know, but what we can surely deduce is that kitten and owner love each other!
A complicit look that only children and pets know how to share ...

She never falls asleep if there is no big furry cat at home to keep her company ...

If this image is not the perfect testimony of the love that can blossom between a cat and the little one of the family, what else would it be?
Between baby and cat...a great friendship is growing!

It seems that this cute duo are giving themselves a big high five: "Give me your hand, buddy!"
What if we wanted to take our cat for a ride with us?

This ingenious little girl has really thought of everything: and now her inseparable feline friend gets carried on the back seat of the little girl's bicycle: what a cute image!
There is nothing better than ending the day next to your four-legged friend ...

Still not convinced to adopt a cat and bring it home? It could really be the turning point for your child: although at the beginning there could be distrust between the two, we are sure that between the little owner and the cat, a relationship of affection, tenderness, trust and friendship will be born that will have no equal, a friendship that will last a lifetime!
Having a cat in the family could be the solution, think about it, dear mothers and dear fathers!