A passerby pretends to be the boyfriend of a girl who was about to be attacked and saves her life

A simple gesture, at times, can save a person's life: let's not think about it too much, therefore, when someone expressly asks us for help. Dane Weeks, a guy from New York, absolutely did not expect to be catapulted into an unfortunate situation like the one he experienced as he walked to meet friends. In a series of Twitter posts, the young man shared the disturbing details of what happened. An unknown girl suddenly hugged him and in a hurry she whispered in his ear: "Please, pretend to know me, there are three guys who have been following me for a while". How would you react to such a request? Fortunately, Dane let himself be persuaded by that desperate girl, saving her life in a way.

Walking in a deserted street, perhaps in the evening, to get home is a situation that certainly scares a woman more than a man. If you ask a woman if she feels safe in this kind of situation, 90% of women will say no. Can men say the same? Are there men who have to worry about which way to walk to get home, or to watch their backs for fear of being chased by some attacker? With the exception of those who want to rob us regardless of whether we are men or women, the answer tends to be negative. Dane Weeks was suddenly transported into the reality that many women, unfortunately, experience quite frequently.
When the girl who hugged him made that request, Dane wasn't sure what to think, but the woman's gesture had been too real and sincere to be fake; therefore, the young man immediately acted as he was asked. In the distance he had seen the three shady guys who were evidently following the woman.

Dane and the stranger held hands and walked together for about three blocks before reaching the woman's house. As Dane himself meticulously recounts in his tweets, the girl kept repeating: "I have to get back to my son", this was the only thought she could focus on while she feared for her life. The woman she says she trusted Dane when she saw him smile, so she quickly intercepted him before it was too late. The two exchanged phone numbers and Dane offered her all his help whenever he was around: "I told her my boyfriend and I would meet her at the train station exit any time she wanted, if we were home. Unfortunately, to get home she has to take a quiet and often dark route, she has no alternative. She said she would call me back, I hope she will."
Within moments, Dane found himself in an unexpected situation that allowed him to reflect on a sad reality that many women experience every day. "It is really sad, women and girls are forced to live in this climate of fear because we men have created an environment of toxicity. I will try to do my best from now on," said the young man.