A 3-year-old boy manages to save his dad from a diabetic coma by making him eat a yogurt

by Alison Forde

March 29, 2021

A 3-year-old boy manages to save his dad from a diabetic coma by making him eat a yogurt

Unbeknownst to him, a three-year-old managed to save his father from the potentially fatal consequences of an ongoing diabetic coma, and how did he do so? He used his plastic knife and a jar of yogurt. You read that right, we are talking about a common snack that we usually find inside our refrigerator, and which in this incredible story was the "medicine" that allowed the little three-year-old to save his diabetic dad. This real miracle happened near Manchester, in Great Britain.

via Manchester Evening News

Manchester Evening News

Manchester Evening News

It all happened in the town of Droylsden, near Manchester, when little 3-year-old Lenny-George Jones tried to save his father Mark from a dangerous diabetic coma; what the brave child did was go to the refrigerator, open it, take out a tub of yogurt and open it with his plastic toy knife, as he couldn't get to the top drawer where the cutlery was.

After opening the yogurt, Lenny-George poured the semi-liquid contents into his father's mouth who was having a low blood sugar attack at the time; once awakened Mark took his glucose pills himslef, amazed at what his three-year-old son had just done: he had literally saved him.

Manchester Evening News

Manchester Evening News

Lenny's mom Emma was as amazed as her husband at what little Lenny-George had done, and she recounted (as translated from Alicanthe.net: "He saved his father's life. Mark is a type 1 diabetic. and he needs to take insulin 4 times a day. It was a Sunday night, I had to go to my mom's house, which is literally 2 minutes around the corner, and I left them watching TV together.

I was gone for about 30 minutes and when I got back they were lying on the sofa. Mark didn't look good, so I asked him what happened. Lenny just turned to me and said he had saved his Dad. He passed out and woke up on the kitchen floor after a bout of hypoglycemia, and Lenny was giving him some yogurt that he managed to get out of the fridge. […] It could have been a completely different scenario if Mark had been in bed or if Lenny hadn't done what he did."

Flickr/Not The Actual Photo

Flickr/Not The Actual Photo

 Well, what can we say: you have been very clever and very brave, little Lenny-George!
