"I'm in love with my father-in-law": woman marries her ex-husband's stepfather after hiding the relationship for years

by Alison Forde

April 24, 2021

"I'm in love with my father-in-law": woman marries her ex-husband's stepfather after hiding the relationship for years

Would you ever have imagined that a woman could leave her husband and get together with her father-in-law? It sounds like the introduction to a wacky cinematic comedy, or to a hilarious book, yet what we are about to tell you today is an incredible true story that took place in Kentucky, in the United States of America and which stars a woman of 31 years old named Erica and a man, Jeff, 60 years old; despite the difference in age and the "uncomfortable" relationship, a spark broke out between them that they couldn't supress ...

via Daily Mail UK

Erica Quiggle/Facebook

Erica Quiggle/Facebook

Erica had married Justin Towell, a guy a little older than her when she was only 19; between the two, however, things seemed not to be going well after 12 years of marriage, and after some time, Erica and Justin decided to separate; but one of the causes of the separation, it seems absurd to say, was the fact that the girl had a crush on her husband's stepfather, or her father-in-law, Jeff Quiggle. The man had always been close to the woman since she officially separated from his son, and he had been a perfect shoulder to cry on.

Too bad that with the passing of time, the love and passion between the two, despite the 29 years of difference, blossomed and became stronger and stronger ...

Erica Quiggle/Facebook

Erica Quiggle/Facebook

Erica and Justin broke up in 2016, she got custody of the child they had together, but the woman and father-in-law waited at least a full year before revealing to friends and family that a spark had broken out between them that it was hard to ignore: they couldn't do anything about it, they were in love with each other!

Despite this, Justin didn't take it too personally despite knowing that his ex-wife was now with his stepfather: "It's okay now between us. There is no more hatred. We talk about our son and both of us are moving on with our lives. Erica and I have a child together and we think of him above all else," said the ex-husband.

Erica Quiggle/Facebook

Erica Quiggle/Facebook

Now, Erica and Jeff are married, live in the same house and have even had a daughter of their own named Brexlee; the woman remembers that the marriage proposal had arrived unexpectedly but at the same time was very welcome; it was really the only thing she wanted to hear from Jeff, the man she really loved: "We were sitting in the car one day and he said to me, 'Will you marry me?' I said "Oh my God, you caught me off guard." It wasn't a romantic proposal, but it was exactly what we both wanted [...] We knew we wanted to get married, but we didn't know when. We found our dream home, which we renovated for a few years, then I got pregnant with Brexlee! " 

Erica Quiggle/Facebok

Erica Quiggle/Facebok

Erica and Jeff were happily married in their new home in August 2018, and they couldn't be a happier family. Although before their relationship they were father-in-law and daughter-in-law, everything in life is possible, even relationships we believe to be the most unusual and unlooked for; after all, when love is involved, there are no chains that will hold us back!

Good luck, Erica and Jeff!

