A 5-year-old refuses to clean the room: his mother packs up his toys into garbage bags

The punishments and the various disciplinary solutions undertaken by parents have always been a matter of great debate, since there is no "golden rule" to follow in order to braise children perfectly. Unfortunately or fortunately, in the difficult "job" of parenting, parents often make mistakes: every mom and dad in this world worries about their child's up bringing and wonders if they are on the right path or if, one day, their child will grow up as an ill mannered person. As already mentioned, it is not something that can be predicted well in advance, but you can certainly act with a little common sense, trying to convey all the possible love and a little discipline, from an early age. A mom divided public opinion with one of her home solutions, but she doesn't seem to have regretted it at all.

The user "tabathamarie", on the social platform of TikTok, posted a video in which she explained how her 5-year-old son refused to clean his room. His mother had told him for two days in a row to clean up the room, and to collect up all the toys scattered on the floor, but he, at a similar request, continued to reply: "No mom, you clean up!". In the mind of "tabathamarie" this thought immediately flashed: "Oh yes? Well, I would be delighted!". So, without any kind of warning, the mother cleaned up her son's room in a way that the child did not expect at all. The woman, in fact, collected all the toys scattered around the room and put them into garbage bags. "These are ready to be thrown" she writes superimposed on the video she herself posted.

"I'm sorry for the disappointed face he made" explained the mother, "but I can't afford to raise disrespectful children." The video also contains the following statements: "If you make a mess, you clean it. If you see mom struggling, help her! Don't sit there and don't let your mother do everything for you all the time." Despite her regret, therefore, this mother knows very well that her children will soon learn what respect, responsibility and the value of things mean.
Since the video was published, many users have interacted in the comments and expressed their point of view on the matter. Many of them were sympathetic to the mother's decision, while others felt that, judging by the toys on the ground, the child was too small to understand the responsibility and the value of her words.

Following all the unexpected comments, the mother still wanted to reassure everyone, revealing that in reality her son's toys were hidden in the basement and that her actions were simply a method to teach him to "not disrespect a woman in any way".
What do you think?