A woman gives birth to twins after becoming pregnant again during her pregnancy

by Alison Forde

April 29, 2021

A woman gives birth to twins after becoming pregnant again during her pregnancy

Do you know what superfetation is? Although in nature it is very rare in the world of mammals, it's a physiological phenomenon whereby after the fertilization of an egg and the consequent formation of a fetus inside the uterus, exceptionally another menstrual cycle occurs and the consequent fertilization of another egg, although in such cases it is rare for the embryo to reach the fetal stage. Put simply, it's possible for a woman who is already pregnant  to become pregnant with another fetus. An extraordinary event that happened to Rebecca Roberts, a very, very ... lucky English woman!

via People

A woman named Rebecca Roberts found herself experiencing this incredibly rare phenomenon, which according to an estimate in the scientific literature, can affect about 0.3% of pregnant women. Rebecca was sure she was expecting only one child, a boy she would call Noah and who would be part of the family that was already made up of her husband and her 14-year-old daughter Summer. The woman had done all the necessary and madated visits and scans before she attended one at 12 weeks into her pregnancy; it was during that visit that the attending physician revealed some shocking news to the couple ...


Besides Noah, Rebecca Roberts was now expecting a second baby, an unexpected twin that the scans of previous weeks hadn't revealed: how the heck was that possible? The doctor who followed the pregnancy of the British woman revealed that it was a very rare case of "superfetation", in which two twins come from completely different eggs and are released at different times; in this case, the two twins Rebecca was expecting were not identical, because they didn't come from the splitting of one egg.

Rebecca and her husband were both shocked and thrilled at the news: they were so excited that they decided they would wait to find out if the second, unexpected baby was boy or girl at the birth.

Thanks to a caesarean section, Rebecca Roberts gave birth to the twins just two minutes apart: Noah arrived at 12.46, Rosalie at 12.48; a rare and miraculous event that however brought joy and surprise to the whole family: now the Robert family was expanding, and the eldest daughter Summer couldn't wait to welcome her two new siblings into the family ...

Now, Noah and Rosalie are both over six months old, they are in excellent health and are the light in the eyes of mother Rebecca and father Rhys: after all, how often does it happen that a woman suddenly becomes pregnant with twins without her knowledge?

Rebecca Roberts' superfetation was an event more unique than rare that immediately went around the world: everyone was ecstatic at the news, and we too admit that we were left speechless!
