14 mechanics who were tearing their hair out when they saw their customers' cars

by Alison Forde

May 08, 2021

14 mechanics who were tearing their hair out when they saw their customers' cars

Machines, just like humans, need to be checked periodically, both to ensure that time doesn't wear them out excessively and because it's good to always maintain a certain level of safety. In the car you don't mess around: maintenance is essential! Still, there are people who come to the mechanic with the most absurd problems and the most unlikely situations, such as, for example, animals hidden in the engine compartment or very imaginative do-it-yourself repairs, who's vehicles would never pass a revision. In this article we have collected a series of photos depicting unlikely situations, faced with which most mechanics would be tearing their hair out. How can you reduce your car to this? One wonders, in fact!

1. "Ah that's why it seemed that there was something wrong ..."

1. "Ah that's why it seemed that there was something wrong ..."

Reddit / killhift

When the mechanic found himself faced with this strange sight, the only thing he could say to the woman who had brought him the car was: "Madam, it won't be cheap!".


2. "They thought this was a good tyre repair..."

2. "They thought this was a good tyre repair..."

Reddit / profeshonalmeechanik

3. For a big "wound", you need a big sticking plaster...right?

3. For a big "wound", you need a big sticking plaster...right?


4. "Oh no!"

4. "Oh no!"

Reddit / Lotus496

 And now who's going to tell him he has to get out of there?

5. The customer was wondering why his car made "a strange noise"

5. The customer was wondering why his car made "a strange noise"

Reddit / tonyxwing74


6. "The customer says he lost his keys ... I wonder how he lost them ..."

6. "The customer says he lost his keys ... I wonder how he lost them ..."

Reddit /Gurboza

Admit it: how many of you leave the car interior tidy? Unless the car is new and still smelling of the dealership, or you are a real order freak, the vast majority of motorists are used to leaving papers, pens and receipts everywhere. After a while, the cockpit becomes a receptacle for garbage! Of course, some, such as the owner of this car in the picture, seem to go beyond the limits of decency! 

7. "He said he didn't have a spare tire and drove around for 3 days like this! I found the spare in his trunk, complete with the jack!"

7. "He said he didn't have a spare tire and drove around for 3 days like this! I found the spare in his trunk, complete with the jack!"

Reddit/ jlbw78

Who knows how he could have driven for so long in those conditions ... we dare not imagine what the interior of the car is like!


8. "Let me know when you finish repairing the van, meanwhile my raccoon and I will settle down here"

8. "Let me know when you finish repairing the van, meanwhile my raccoon and I will settle down here"

Reddit / Crestfallencorpse

9. The important thing is that this little one is safe and sound now!

9. The important thing is that this little one is safe and sound now!

Reddit / SmittyYAP

Apparently car interiors can become unexpectedly comfortable shelters for certain animals. We don't know what area you live in, but we recommend that you have your car checked periodically! 


10. The art of getting by!

10. The art of getting by!


11. It really happened...

11. It really happened...


 On the verge of idiocy: yet someone did it!


12. There is certainly some ingenuity here ...

12. There is certainly some ingenuity here ...


13. When you have a little accident...

13. When you have a little accident...



14. We're not joking...

14. We're not joking...


For extreme problems, extreme remedies: sure, in this case it seems vaguely dangerous and particularly inefficient as a solution, but the effort is certainly appreciable!
