Two elderly people are no longer able to clean their house: a young woman arrives to make the apartment shine after hours and hours of cleaning

Being able to keep a house in order is not a trivial chore: there are many little tasks to be kept on top of, especially if more than half of our time is occupied by work. Sometimes, it's easier to leave those two dirty dishes in the sink or save up a few extra loads of laundry rather than getting too stressed out trying to keep up. What is certain, however, is that you cannot leave everything undone - it is not acceptable to let go and stop cleaning the house completely! In fact, not only can our physical health will be affected, but also our mental health. Unfortunately, the elderly are the category most at risk in this sense: having limited mobility and being often left to themselves, they are sometimes unable to take care of their home as they would like. It's in these cases that they risk finding themselves living in unhygienic and unsafe conditions.

Fortunately, there are people like "aurikatariina" in the world, a TikTok user, who became famous for her meticulous cleaning work, with which she helped, among other people, an elderly couple in difficulty. The woman was already known to the social media public, but her most liked video was certainly the one in which she helped the over 80s to clean up their home. Armed with pink rubber gloves and an endless supply of degreaser, Auri went to work, promising the couple and herself that she would change the situation for the better. The two elders, like many others in the world, were no longer able to maintain an adequate level of cleaning and had long since begun to accumulate dirt and dust in their home.
If you think your stove is particularly dirty after only a week, then you will be amazed at what Auri had to clean ...

Sometimes it takes very little to help those in difficulty: the elderly woman, after seeing Auri's "magic", began to cry, she was so moved. Auri, who always does a lot of cleaning during the week, admitted that this was the most satisfying and rewarding gesture she had ever made. Seeing that elderly couple return to live in a healthy and suitable environment has made them the happiest people in the world.
Finally a little cleanliness...

As you can see from the images in the video, the refrigerator was a real disaster: who would have kept food in there and then been brave enough to eat it? The rest of the house was not far behind, but Auri was not discouraged and thanks to a few garbage bags and a lot of elbow grease, she was able to perform her little "miracle".