A callous woman sends back gifts that were not on the wish list for her unborn child

The arrival of a baby is one of the most exciting and moving moments for a future mother; from the moment of conception to the waiting for the first ultrasound scans, the long period of pregnancy, the announcement of the good news to friends and relatives, up to the choice of the name for the unborn child and the parties organized by the mother to celebrate the arrival of the new life. A waiting period that must be perfect in every detail, even in the choice of gifts to give to the unborn child, whether it is a boy or a girl.
via Mamas Uncut

In recent years, the trend of organizing a "baby shower" is becoming more and more fashionable, that is a party set up by the expectant mother in which she invites friends and relatives to celebrate the life that is about to come into the world with music, food and gifts. An anonymous mom wanted to tell Mamas Uncut about her unpleasant experience with the guests at her baby shower. She had compiled a rigorous wish list of gifts for the baby that would be born in the following months, but she never imagined that many guests would go their own way and show up with a gift that didn't fit into the already agreed wish list. What to do in this case?
The anonymous woman said she was accused of being insensitive and "monstrous" after she announced that she would send back all the gifts received that were not on the wish list: "Hi, you think I was wrong because I asked for receipts from the baby shower guests if I noticed that people hadn't bought from the wish list I had made specifically of things my child and I NEED? If I have receipts I can send back these gifts that I really don't need or put them up for sale for who really needs them. I needed bottles that I asked for to feed my baby every day. I don't want those onesies that they think are so cute but may not be my taste or the way I want to dress my child. "

The anonymous mom continued: "I want the crib mattress that I have chosen that my baby will sleep on every night (hopefully). I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I personally feel that baby showers should benefit the mother and father, by saving them money in the long run, don't you? But if no one is buying what the mother and father need off the list and then the mother and father have to go and buy it themselves anyway, it defeats the purpose of the event, to begin with. Do you think I was wrong?"
Most of the readers on Mamas Uncut sided with the guests with "unwelcome" gifts because despite everything, a gift is always a gift from the heart.
What do you think about it? Is this mother too ungrateful or is she being perfectly reasonable?