He got up every day at 4 in the morning to go to school by bus: a VIP gives him a car

It's amazing what you can do with a lot of willpower: study, work, become anything despite limited possibilities ... Of course, you don't live in a fairy tale - in life you also need a little luck, in addition to natural talent! Commitment, however, is often paid back with just reward and even with a dose of good fortune at times. To prove it, this time, is student Patrick Corey, a young man who woke up at 4 in the morning for several years, in order to reach his school on time, in Tarrant High School, in Alabama (USA). The story of this young student came out thanks to a photo in which he is seen walking to school dressed in a graduation gown: even on graduation day, Patrick walked to the institute everyday with a lot of good will and patience. There was no car to take him; on the other hand, the young student had gotten used to it by now.
via People

Patrick Corey woke up at around 4:30 every morning so he could catch the bus that would take him to Tarrant High School on time. A considerable effort, which he repeated even on the day of his graduation. As if that weren't enough, Patrick never managed to get home before 6:30 or 7:00 pm, again due to the bus ride which, which takes some time to get him to his home. Patrick, however, says he simply did what he needed to do and was ultimately rewarded with a bit of luck. The bus driver took a couple of photos of him walking down the street, wearing his graduation gown. The photos went around the world in a short time, having been viewed by thousands of users and, as you can imagine, many of them empathized with Patrick's situation.

The photos in question were discussed on a local radio station, where they caught the attention of a prominent comedian and radio host, Rickey Smiley, who decided to surprise the boy. Smiley gave Patrick a car and offered to pay for his driving lessons as well. A generous gesture that allowed Patrick to continue studying and move around more easily with his own vehicle. Those photos literally changed Patrick's life and a fundraising page on GoFund Me was also opened. The young man chose to continue his studies and received a scholarship from Jacksonville University, where he would like to study computer engineering.
Congratulations to this diligent student!