An 87-year-old woman is struggling to live: "She doesn't want to pay my rent anymore, I'm desperate!"

Our elderly citizens must be protected at all costs, especially from those who continually commit oppressive acts against them. Although elderly people may have gathered a greater pool of life experience than younger people, they are also the most fragile in our society, and for this very reason many take advantage of them. Just like Elvira, an 87-year-old woman who broke down in tears when she realized that her tenant was not going to pay her rent arrears anytime soon ...
via Buenos Dìas Perù

Elvira is 87 years old and lives in Jiròn Salinas, in the Rìmac region of Peru; in order to support her everyday life and to be able to pay for her medicines and basic things for herself, in previous years the woman had rented an apartment to a family of five for about 250 dollars a month.
Three years have passed and the woman's family of tenants has not yet paid even a month's rent and now owe Elivira a total amount of over 10,000 dollars; in all this, Elvira no longer knew how to survive, and she had to rent out her garage to have a minimum economic income ...

But what hurts the most about this whole story is that the family of tenants, headed by Percy Estrada Bravo, just don't want to pay the rent arrears to the 87-year-old woman: to make matters worth, over time Elvira has been threatened by the man who claimed to have friends and acquaintances in the judiciary. A bad situation that made the elderly lady fall into a depressive state: "I told him to pay me and he wouldn't. Many times he made me cry. I just want them to get out of this house, and that's it!"
Elvira's daughter said that they reached an agreement in December 2020, where it was understood that the man would leave the house and pay Elvira the rent and all the arrears; but apparently, it seems that the deal was not honored by this reckless family...

Now, it seems that the local judiciary is dealing with poor Elivira's case, who is waiting to be compensated for all that she has been entitled to for at least three years: but how is it possible that a woman of this age should be subjected to such bullying on the part of people who are so reckless and inopportune?
Our elders do not deserve such treatment. We sincerely hope that Elvira can get the justice she deserves and that she can get that family out of her apartment for good!