A client doesn't like this single dad taking his daughter to work: "It's not my fault that he lost his mother"

Being a parent is not easy, but having to be both a father and a mother is definitely a considerable undertaking. Unfortunately, there are many unpleasant situations in which one parent is forced to take care of the children alone, due to family breakup or death. This is the case of Richard Miley, a 28-year-old from Texan who, to his great grief, lost his partner too soon and is now the only one left to care for his five-year-old daughter, Ashtyn. Obviously, Richard is a working single dad, who has to somehow get by with the many difficulties of life; this is why he, from time to time, takes Ashtyn to work with him, also because her nursery is very expensive and the little girl is still grieving for her mother. Fortunately, Richard is a self-employed business man, as he runs a car wash, but unfortunately, he still has to deal with customers who are not always polite. One of them was rather annoyed by the presence of the child at the car wash.

The unfortunate incident occurred right at Miley's car wash, "All Seasons Powerwash," when Miley had approached a woman's vehicle to begin the cleaning. At that moment, little Ashtyn knocked on the fence that encloses the place and came out "in the open". The woman immediately asked if the girl stayed there all the time, after which she left annoyed, claiming that "a man has to work". The woman probably thought that a man can't take care of children, let alone in the workplace, but what options did Miley have? Besides, little Ashtyn had done nothing wrong. The young Texan reported this story on a Facebook group for his local community, sharing all his sorrow with these words: "It's not my fault that my children have lost their mother, it's not my fault that my youngest daughter is taking the death of her mother pretty badly and isn't always happy to be in a daycare every day. But I do my best every day to provide for my children."

His words immediately found a hearty welcome in the group, so much so that many members responded by offering him all their support: "I'm a stay-at-home mom, if you want I can babysit your daughter". And again: "You should be a source of inspiration for fathers all over the world! You are a good dad!".

For sure Miley wanted to send a clear message to everyone: "If you come and get your car washed at the All Seasons Powerwash, know that my daughter Ashtyn will be there too."