She decides not to have biological children and with her husband she adopts three children with a difficult past

Not all families who would like to adopt one or more children are successful in their endeavours; the bureaucratic process to welcome a new member into the home who is not your natural child can be very long, and it's also for this reason that many couples around the world decide to give up. But this is certainly not the case with Casey Douglas and her husband; when they met, they knew they didn't want to have biological children and not because they didn't have the opportunity to conceive them ...
via Metro UK
The reality is that Casey and her husband have always wanted to expand their family, but not with their own biological children, but by giving a second chance to all those children who have had a difficult past and who deserve an adoptive family that can give them affection and unconditional love.
Casey said of her experience: "After 3 years of marriage, we had to take a gamble on everything. Little by little we started to introduce the idea of adoption. We met many people who wanted to offer their advice on how to start a family at the tender age of 24 and 26!" However, there have been many criticisms from her friends and acquaintances who just could not understand her choice not to have natural children even though they could. At the age of 25, Casey Douglas decided to adopt what is now her eldest son: his name is Randall Douglas, and he entered the woman's life when he was only 18. He had come from a family that did nothing but mistreated him and had gone through several foster families before arriving at the Douglas home.
Randall's adoption was followed by the adoptions of Tim and Damon, aged 15 and 13 respectively; these two boys also came from rather unhappy previous family situations, in which they were treated badly. But now, things have definitely changed for these kids, who can count on a new family full of love and a future to look forward to with hope and trust: "My adopted children are full of personality and often do something that makes me angry and frustrated, but at the same time they are young and will always hug you and always say, 'I love you mom!' My family has been through a lot and many people think that it has always been easy and that we have never had difficult days, but that's not the truth. It will always be difficult, but it will always be worth it!"
All Casey Douglas has always wanted is to be able to make a difference by giving a second chance to less fortunate children, and she did it really well; little matter the criticism of other people who have always pushed her to conceive a natural child, this extraordinary woman and adoptive mother has fulfilled her dream and created a spectacular family!