A horse steals the show during a photo shoot for a pregnant couple

by Alison Forde

June 20, 2021

A horse steals the show during a photo shoot for a pregnant couple

There is nothing more unforgettable before the birth of a firstborn than the entire period preceding the arrival of the new family member. Among relatives and friends of the expectant couple who go out of their way to lend a hand to mom and dad with the purchase of clothes for the baby on the way, and then the medical visits, the ultrasound scans, the mother's belly that grows ever greater with the passing months, up to the photo shoots. In fact, there are many couples expecting a child who decide to immortalize the period of waiting bysetting up artistic photoshoots.

via The Dodo

Amanda and Phil were expecting their first child, and so they had the brilliant idea of having a photo shoot immersed in Nature whose main star would be mother Amanda's baby bump and the sparkling smiles of joy of the two parents who could not wait to welcome the little one.

Too bad that there was a curious horse who introduced himself in front of the photographic lens and made the photoshoot practically hilarious and unforgettable, completely stealing the show from Amanda and Phil ...


While Kristen Zaffiro was taking the various photographs that would make up the photoshoot starring Amanda and Phil, a very funny and very playful horse named Buckshot approached the expectant parents and butted in to the family picture without anyone inviting him! 

Amanda and Phil were both amazed and amused by that scene, while Buckshot the horse had decided to take control of the situation; certainly it's an equine that knows how to attract the attention of those present, so much so that Kristen Zaffiro at one point, while continuing to take her photographs, said to the horse in an ironic way: "If you want to be in the photo, you might as well start smiling!" 

And you won't believe it, but Buckshot did exactly what the photographer told him; as you can see from the shots that Kristen Zaffiro posted on her Facebook page, the horse Buckshot does nothing but laugh in front of the camera, as if he were a full-blown human being!

If initially Amanda and Phil were to be the stars of the photographs taken by Kristen Zaffiro, now it has to be said that no one can fail to notice this third wheel ... with four legs!
