A student honors her parents by having her graduation photos taken in the fields where her family works

Often behind a degree there is a sacrifice made by an entire family: first of all by the student who will have devoted hours to study, but also by the parents or relatives who often contribute financially to the fees to attend the university. The graduation is the perfect time to acknowledge one's own efforts and those of the parents who, albeit of a different nature, have contributed equally to achieving the goal.
Jennifer Rocha, a graduate student, decided to immortalize in a photograph forever, her gratitude towards her parents for giving her the opportunity and the motivation necessary to complete her studies: she has decided to set her graduation photo shoot in the fields where her family work, including her mother and father in the photos.
via ABC 10 news

Jennifer Rocha was a student at the University of San Diego, in the United States, who was about to graduate. She was completing an intense course of study, studded with difficulties and doubts, as is often the case for those who come from a humble background and who may not have the same opportunities or support at home.
Jennifer's family was fundamental in the realization of her dream: it was her parents who made a financial contribution to the payment of her college fees, as well as giving her the necessary motivation.
Jennifer said she started working in the fields when she was in high school, even working night shifts cultivating strawberries.
Jennifer's mom and dad, who also employed in the strawberry fields, have always encouraged their daughter and her siblings to study to have the opportunity to do more in life and not be forced to work at night in the fields.
For Jennifer, their support was of utmost importance, which is why she decided to honor her parents and their work, thanks to which she achieved her degree.

Jennifer chose to set the graduation photo shoot right in the fields, where she herself had worked and where her parents still work, also including her mother and father in the photos, showing them in their extreme simplicity as working parents who share the dream of seeing their children reaching their full potential in life.