A woman miraculously finds the little dog that had disappeared from her garden 10 years earlier

by Alison Forde

July 03, 2021

A woman miraculously finds the little dog that had disappeared from her garden 10 years earlier

A pet dog is in effect a member of the family and, as such, fills the hearts of those around them with joy. Similarly, however, a puppy can cause their family members to worry whenever they get sick or go astray unnecessarily. Sarah Covell had adopted a Jack Russell puppy, but after just three months the puppy had mysteriously escaped from her garden. You can imagine the sorrow in learning the news of his disappearance; the search, at the time, did not produce any results and Sarah had no further news of little Crumpet. Then, ten years later, in exactly the same way as he disappeared, Crumpet came back! That's right: despite the years that had passed, who knows where, the little dog has been reunited with his original family. A little "miracle" that made Sarah very happy!

Crumpet mysteriously disappeared in 2010 while playing with Sarah's other older dog in the garden. Totty, Sarah's other dog, had grown very fond of Crumpet and was happy to be his "mother"; the two often went around the property together, while Sarah, more often than not, looked after the horses. One day, however, Crumpet was no longer by Totty's side and Sarah's family began to worry. But there was something about Crumpet's disappearance that didn't convince Sarah: "It would have been very unusual for Crumpet to sneak away, he had never done this before and he was very fond of my older dog, who was mothering him".

The offer of a £300 reward to anyone who found the sweet dog was useless. For ten long years, Sarah and her family never heard from their Jack Russell again and, after a while, the hopes of seeing him again faded.

Pubblicato da FernsLaw su Venerdì 13 agosto 2021

It seemed impossible that Crumpet could re-enter Sarah's life again, yet, after 10 years, she received a call from a vet informing her that she had found "her dog". Crumpet had been found on a golf course a few miles from Sarah's home; clearly the woman was shocked by the news of the discovery of her little dog, considering that, after 1 year of searching, she had said that she was resigned to the idea of never seeing him again. Crumpet needed medical attention and he seemed to have been very neglected, but hhe hadn't lost his friendly disposition. Sarah will now take care of him for the rest of his life.

We should always keep an eye on our four-legged friends and don't forget to get them microchipped, as, often, it represents the only concrete possibility of finding them safe and sound.
