They stole oranges from an overturned truck on the street: a child approaches and offers to pay for them

by Alison Forde

June 30, 2021

They stole oranges from an overturned truck on the street: a child approaches and offers to pay for them

Values such as honesty, good manners and respect for others, are essential things that cannot be bought at a good price. Everything comes from the life lessons given at home by the family. It's not just a question of schooling, everything that our children see done and taught at home is then replicated. If mom and dad bring up a child with kindness, empathy, fairness and honesty, he will become an adult who will undoubtedly follow their example.

via Sopitas



And for sure this Mexican kid who went around the web for his honest actions, proving he got a great upbringing from his parents. To think that this little boy was applauded for his seemingly simple gesture when the images of him facing the aftermath of a road accident were published on the web: a truck carrying oranges suddenly overturned on a country road, and while its driver was trying to figure out how it had happened, if everything was okay and especially that there had been no injuries on the road, many locals swarmed around the truck ...



The people who had approached the overturned truck, however, were not there to help the driver get out of the vehicle, but were gathering more and more to literally steal the oranges that had fallen copiously from the back of the truck after overturning on the road; no one seemed to care what had happened, just as no one in the area seemed too concerned with the fact that the theft could be punished by law. And here in that chaos the child protagonist of this very tender moment approaches: he was holding a coin and wanted to pay some of those oranges to take them home.

The people who had gathered around saw the child with the coins in his hand and laughed at him: why pay for that fruit when now everyone could get it for free? The little boy, who knew that free things don't exist in life and who certainly had a great upbringing from his parents, knew perfectly well that paying for some of those oranges was the least he could do. The short video shared on Twitter made the rounds of the web in no time, and now this principled child has become the new hero of honesty and education.

A real champion of justice in a tiny format!

